We read in Holy Scripture: "Speak up for those who cannot speak. Speak for the rights of all those who are defenseless. Speak up, judge fairly, and defend the oppressed and needy." (Proverbs 31: 8-9). Those words were estimated to have been written somewhere between 700 and 400BC; yet, in all of those hundreds of years that have been so lived since then by mankind, those words and the sentiment that they so express are as meaningful and as relevant today, as they were when they were first written and proselytized. The reason that this is so, comes down to the salient fact that far too often, the defenseless, the poor, the indigent, the forgotten, and the weakest amongst us, do not have enough good people championing their cause; and further that the governments that are instituted amongst mankind, deriving their just powers from the consent of those people, far too often, do not do all that they can do to take into fair account, how they should best deal with those that are needful.
In the competitive environment that capitalism epitomizes, far too many people don't care to do much of anything for those that have little or nothing, because their attitude equates to the belief that in a game in which there are winners and losers, that the losers are never their responsibility, and therefore they care little about them. While each of us is entitled to our own belief, those that are almost exclusively self-centered are not going to be of much benefit to society, for they are essentially wearing blinders that preclude them from properly taking in the full panoply of what life really is and what life really represents.
Each of us though as part of a good civil society, has an obligation to do our part to help to make that society better for our having participated in it; of which, those that have no voice, and are being treated unfairly are fairly entitled to have their say; for they, as a fellow compatriot, are equally entitled to the opportunities so created for the expressed benefit for the members of that society. Yet, even the most cursory of looks indicates that the underclass of America exists in abundance in this country, of which, time and time again, there are millions upon millions of citizens that have been precluded from a fair chance to become something of merit in this nation, for they lack a good foundational structure of a stable family life, a good education, a fair social justice system, good hope, as well being systematically denied opportunity. These are the oppressed, who are wrongly prejudged and placed into categories and situations in which their fair opportunity to extricate themselves from such are well-nigh hopeless.
Each of us has been gifted with a voice, of which some of us, have a voice which has more power and more influence than others, yet, all have some sort of contribution to make; so that, those that know right from wrong, need to impress upon others, that the business of exploitation, prejudice, unfairness, contempt, and discrimination especially against the weakest amongst us, needs to be faced squarely by those that will take that principled stand on behalf of the defenseless, and will not relent until justice rolls down upon all of us like the mighty waters.