Good food is that which nourishes the body / by kevin murray

Our physical bodies need food that nourishes the body in order to properly sustain itself.  While, there are all sorts of food items that people can eat, those food items, are not all equal; of which the biggest change in nutritional habits in modern times is how many calories are now being consumed by people that are highly processed and stripped thereof of necessary minerals and vitamins, often with an abundance of unpronounceable chemical additives, and typically with sugar or sugar substitutes that make up a meaningful percentage of that food item constitution.  It must be stated unequivocally, that all things being equal, that those that consistently eat a diet of good nutritional food in comparison to those others that consistently eat a diet embodying the consuming of an abundance of processed junk food, that the person so eating that junk food, will find, sooner or later, that their physical body will duly suffer for having made that fateful decision.  Again, it must be stated, that physical bodies need physical food, and that not all physical food is equal, so that those that are conscientious about what they consume and make it their point to eat foods that are nutritional, as compared to those that do not follow prudent nutritional guidelines, we will thus find as the result of this difference in eating habits, extended over a long enough time period, that what we so consume, materially matters.


Unfortunately, in countries in which the god of that country, is money, or the pursuit of money, above all else -- then those that are in the food making business, of marketing and selling such products, are going to have a very strong tendency to want to create food items that are cheap in cost, while deliberately be designed to have a desirable taste, while taking on the guise of being wholesome,  so as to lure in the unsuspecting to consume their product, far more than what is prudent.  After all, because each of us needs food in order to sustain our bodies, the price point of food items so being sold, and perceived desirability of them, is a strong determinate of what people do or don't buy.  Fortunately, for people, governments are created by the consent of the people for the expressed benefit of those people, of which a strong government takes responsibility to see that the people are sustained and protected from that which is deceptive and not good for them.  This so signifies, that activist governments make it their point to tax appropriately as well as to subsidy appropriately that which is junk food in comparison to that which is nutritional food.


So then, to the degree that governments do not differentiate between junk food and nutritional food by appropriately identifying such and by thereby adding an appropriate governmental tax for that which is junk, while providing an appropriate subsidy benefit for that which is nutritional, signifies that this government does not care about the bodies of their citizens.  Yet, our freely provided public educational system  has been created for the express benefit of those citizens, so as to develop good, literate, and self-reliant citizens that are needed for the sustainably and advancement of that nation.  So, it then follows that a well developed mind has the continual need of a good, healthy body, as well; and that the government thereby has a responsibility to do its part in promoting such.