All that is moral has an associated cost; whereas, all else is just a game / by kevin murray

Any good society is foundationally based upon good morals, and nothing else.  That is to say, manmade laws and actions that are arbitrary, or deliberately wrong or misguided, have no sustainable place in a society that wishes to become good.  On the other hand, societies that expressly believe that there is an unchanging moral code, of which it is our duty to not only discover and to know such, but to thereby live to such, are the only type of societies which are inherently sustainable and are of a true benefit to the people.


This clearly indicates that any society, be it formal or informal, that does not make the learning of morals, and the appropriate propagation of those morals for its people -- the building block of that society, has built that society upon sand, and that which is built on sand, will not last.  In far too many of today's most "advanced" and "modern" societies, as mankind has improved its knowledge of this world, and even of the universe, mankind has aggrandized onto itself powers that they do not clearly understand and that they do not clearly own, believing that mankind knows best; based upon the belief that the more that mankind unravels the intricacies of life and its laws, the wiser mankind is.


It is one thing to learn how to master the atom as well as to comprehend time and space, but in the skeins of time, this is susceptible to becoming a situation in which mankind misses the forest for the trees.  To wit, as mankind increases its scientific knowhow, it unfortunately has a strong tendency to also belittle that which is immutable and thereby to formulate the thought that morals and even truth, are somehow subjective, and hence subject to change; signifying that mankind has traded the only wisdom that matters for a false construct which will invariably lead to catastrophic outcomes to mankind and for this planet.


That which is of utmost importance, never does change; of which it is of immense significance for mankind to understand that first and foremost mankind is a moral agent.  This therefore makes mankind's most important duty and obligation to be to live to that universal moral code, and everything else that has no moral roots, is therefore of relative insignificance.    This signifies that whether or not mankind discovers this new scientific law or that new medical breakthrough, while having some definite merit to it, is not the be-all and end-all of mankind, but rather should be properly seen as much more of a sideshow, than anything else.


Far too many people get far too caught up in the "games" that are played on this planet, never seeming to realize that the only thing that really matters here is discovering the truth.  For in that discovery of truth, mankind will thereby be reminded that there is an eternal law, which is moral and unalterable, and which consists of justice, fairness, benevolence, and love.  So that, the only things that cost any of us anything at anytime are only those moral decisions and moral actions, that we take day-by-day, for these have consequences that last well beyond the decisions and actions so taken at that time, of which, those reverberations are ever eternal, for good or for bad, for better or for worse.