Good governance consists of being fair and benefiting the public at large / by kevin murray

Our duly elected government representatives, are supposed to not only fairly reflect the community of those that they are serving, but also they have the incumbent duty to make decisions that are for the express benefit of the public at large, as contrasted to making decisions that clearly favor a specific group, or a specific corporation, or a privileged class.  To the degree that such a government is transparent in all that it says, does, and transacts, in addition to its most important actions being available for public purview and public discussion, then such a government as that typically serves its constituencies far better than a government that hides behind layers of opaqueness, while also being unavailable to answer those questions that need to be answered.


The whole point of good government is for that government to not ever to sell its soul to the highest bidder, or to be co-opted by inducements that private enterprise or important personages present to them; but rather to at all times, to recognize that they are to serve the general public in a fair handed way, and to treat all that they do as being done on behalf of that people, and to be a good steward of the responsibilities and duties so provided to them, on behalf of the public. 


Because we live in a world in which money matters, and a great deal of money matters even more; those serving the public in governmental functions, should as a matter of course, publically disclosed all monetary or its equivalency in contributions that they receive in the course of their duties; as well as disclosing all quid pro quo promises, as well as tax set asides or favoritism so made to those soliciting governmental contracts and business from those representatives.  After all, any undue influence successfully made upon governmental representatives will have negative repercussions for the public; as well as promises so made by those governmental representatives to specific enterprises, clearly denotes that those representatives have utilized their position to enrich or to empower their own selfish interests at the expense of that public.


The government that we have has by the very nature of its monetary budget and its decision making powers, immense influence upon a given community and the decisions and actions so taken; of which, those governments that favor the few, at the expense of the many, are going to be enablers of a society in which one class of elite people, are privileged and thereby subsequently are not subject to the same rules and regulations that the majority must adhere to, and hence this means that the majority will serve those few.


In the scheme of things, most people are primarily busy with their everyday tasks and responsibilities, and therefore do not have the time or excess energy to properly monitor their governmental representatives, even if we assume those vital watchdog tools for the public, were robust. This thus means, that the people's vote for those representatives is a vote which stipulates that they trust their representatives to faithfully carry out their duties on behalf of the people, and that those that do, are therefore good stewards of the people's resources; and those that do not, are not, and are the prevailing reason why poor government, exists and persists.