That which we perceive as solid is not / by kevin murray

Most of us believe our eyes as well as our senses that all objects, including ourselves, are solid.  After all, they must be because we are able to easily judge and to affirm this by simply tactility touching such or by performing tests, demonstrating time and time again, that solid objects are indeed, solid.  The thing is, that isn't true, and as expressed in the blog The Plant-Based Scientist, "You might think that objects are dense but in reality they’re 99.999…% empty space."   So then, those objects that appear to be and act as if they are solid are in fact, something akin to lightning quick energy waves that thereby provides us with the illusion taken in by our senses that a given object is completely solid.


In the scheme of things, it really isn't all that important to go into the particulars of how and why those objects that appear to be solid, are actually not; but rather it is of immense importance to the minds of mankind to understand that the more that we are able to correctly perceive that which is solid as actually being energy and vibrations, the better we are thereby able to take what we thereby perceive before us and to utilize such for the benefit of mankind.  This thus signifies that by changing our perceptions and our knowledge to the extent that we can "peek behind the curtain," so to speak, the better we are at mastering the intricacies of this world, and thereby evolving mankind to its next integral level; as all that we have before us, is primarily there for us to ultimately becomes masters of, and in order to achieve that, we need to know the truth of that which we are a part of.


In other words, the more that we are able to comprehend that it is energy waves and vibrations that are able to convince us that objects are solid, the more that our corresponding study of those energy waves and vibrations will bring us to a more comprehensive understanding of not only the laws of this world, but also will bring us to a deeper and more intricate understanding of all that we are presently perceiving as being physical and nothing more.  So that many of those things, that we now believe are not possible or even mythical in nature, such as moving a mountain in a blink of an eye, will, inevitably be shown to be a false belief, because that which consists of energy and vibrations must invariably bend to that energy and vibrations that are superior to it, by virtue of the controlled utilization of the power of the creator mind which as the first cause, brought all into being.


We are fortunate to live in this modern age, which allows us to distinguish, like the peeling back of the onion, that which is the truth behind all that we are an integral part of.  The purpose of which, is to fully allow and to fully permit mankind to have the greatest of all gifts, which is to rise up from our collective ignorance so as to become what we were always designed to be, co-creators with that Providence which originated that which we are a vital part of, in the beginning.