Life is really, really good for the superrich. For instance, as reported by, "Since 1978, and adjusted for inflation, American workers have seen an 11.2 percent increase in compensation. During that same period, CEO’s have seen a 937 percent increase in earnings." Whether a superrich person is a CEO, or the inheritor of boatloads of money, or an entrepreneur, or whatever it may be, the superrich have seen their income and wealth swell immensely in recent decades, in which during that same time period, the common man has unfortunately been left further and further behind.
When we look at how much the superrich have in comparison to those of the middle class, as well as those that are impoverished, no rational person can reasonably state that the superrich work 50 times harder, or as much as 200 times harder than the common man; and no rational personal can reasonably state that the superrich are 50 times more educated, or as much as 200 times more educated than the impoverished man; yet, the amount of wealth that the superrich control in what is supposed to be an egalitarian society, seems to indicate that the superrich are apparently super people, of uncommon brilliance and envious connections, that ostensibly are almost like gods upon this earth.
The true bottom line is that the superrich are not more talented than everyone else, though, undoubtedly they do have talent; nor are they smarter or better than everyone else, though, undoubtedly they do have their smarts; but rather primarily the greatest skill set of the superrich is how clever that they are in gaming and mastering the system, in a manner that super-favors them at the expense of virtually everyone else. That is to say, the superrich never play fair, of which their real talent lies in exploiting others and exploiting the system in a manner in which they and those that they need to implement such stratagems, are the masters at richly getting what they so desire.
Those that are executives of publically owned companies, are clearly grossly overcompensated, of which, there should be meaningful legislation passed that addresses the obscene amount of money earned by many of these executives in comparison to the median compensation paid to the balance of their employees, of which that legislation would thereby reduce such supersized compensation of those executives to no more than a fairer ratio, perhaps of 20-to-1 of what the median non-executive worker earns in their employment. For those, that believe that this would be meddling in the private affairs and decisions of a public company, recognize that such public companies are subject to the regulation of governmental authorities for the privilege of being able to secure massive capital funding from private investors. Further to the point, companies that are able to consistently earn money with very high gross margins, should be investigated thoroughly as to whether or not they have monopoly or duopoly positions in the products and services that they are selling, of which, those companies that are found to be in such a position, need to be dissolved or divided so as to create true competing companies. After all, companies that consistently have high gross margins in a capitalistic society, at a minimum implies, and in all probability signifies, that the business enterprise that they are part of, has no effective competition, or involves collusion.
The superrich have a lion's grip of the wealth in this nation, of which, by virtue of that wealth, they have immense power that is far in excess of the minute amount of people that are actually superrich. That power, should not rightly be in the hands of the superrich, for they are certainly not gods, and whether they are extraordinarily smart, or work extraordinarily hard, too much concentrated wealth in too few hands, eviscerates democracies, and serves no good purpose for the people and never will.