In any endeavor, it is always rather easy, especially for the person that is doing the observing but isn't directly or even indirectly involved in the actions, to criticize others in regards to their output, their being, as well their foresight. No doubt, there are plenty of people, that need some form of constructive criticism, at least on occasion; and no doubt, there are institutions, even ones of long standing, that have served their dutiful purpose and thereby need to be placed into the dustbin of history. But, it should also be recognized that to destroy anything of positive value without a plan to replace such with something of equal or improved value is almost always a mistake; and to criticize someone, even justly, without having "skin in the game" to see that such criticism has a positive purpose behind it, so that the one doing the criticizing has also a commensurate plan that will through such criticism help to initiate something of merit, serves no real good purpose.
In today's world with all of its myriad powerful tools and technology, to tear down and destroy a particular edifice that has been in existence, perhaps for eons, is typically something that can be readily done, which should send a very important signal to all the people or institutions contemplating such, as to whether or not, it must be done; for if there is no good overriding purpose behind such, it is probably a mistake, and perhaps a grave one. So too, there are within governments, institutions that have been of long standing, of which such institutions are typically well deserving of criticisms and other valid complaints, but to dissolve such without having taken into consideration the need for a replacement that is clearly superior to that which is the current governing instrument, is probably a mistake, and perhaps a grave one. Additionally, all human beings are fallible, of which, therefore to find fault in another, even someone of high esteem, is not especially difficult, as most words and actions, when given enough room, time, and nefarious intent are fairly easy to pick apart, should one be inclined to do so, but if such criticism serves no good purpose or is of no good benefit to the parties so involved, then this is probably a mistake, and perhaps a grave one.
To build anything of merit, be a building, an institution, or the character of a given person, takes not only effort and desire, but also aforethought, consistency, determination, consultation, teamwork, drive, and invariably even with good aid and timely help will still have to address hurdles and unexpected happenings that will thereby need to be overcome to achieve success. Those that contribute positively to such are invariably not those that are destructive and critical in their nature, but rather are those that are materially positive contributors, as well as all those active aiders and abettors to the cause, for good progress is only made by those that do the building and not by those that do or contribute nothing, or even worse, are destructive and unnecessarily critical in their form.