Saying and doing should be in harmony / by kevin murray

As it has been said, "Actions speak louder than words," and further to the point, it is those actions, that determine the integrity of those words so spoken.  This signifies that when corporations, governments, and people speak about matters of importance, we should hold those very entities accountable for those words so spoken in regards to whether or not their subsequent actions are found to have been in conformance to those words and those sentiments.


Unfortunately, there are far too many occurrences in which the subsequent actions to commitments previously made are wholly inadequate, in which the probable two main reasons why this is so, is firstly because some of those making those promises while having good intentions to do so, end up not staying the course for whatever reason, as well as possibly having an anemic follow through; and the second most common reason is that those making that commitment to begin with, had absolutely no intent of following through on it, so that their statement of what they were going to accomplish, was deceptively made in the prior knowledge that they weren't going to do such a thing, and in far too many cases, nobody holds them accountable to it.


Whether it is lack of follow through, or whether it is those that are disingenuous in their words, it is important for the general public and individuals to do their part to hold those that promise one thing but don't deliver, accountable.  After all, misdirection and deception is part and parcel of wars and governments, as well as quite frankly, far too many human relationships.  We would see far less of this, if each of us was more attentive to what is really being said by others in the first place, and secondly if we then took the time to determine whether or not those words were coming into fruition or not, and if not, call those pertinent institutions to account.


It would be nice if people and institutions were more often true to their word, and, in particular, those words of positive intent and good, for that would be beneficial for society.  On the other hand, when those people and institutions are not true to their word, then they should be seen for what they really are, and thereby exposed as to what their character really is; for those that say one thing, but end up doing another thing of which that other thing is of lesser value, or of no value, or is detrimental in its design, are hypocrites; made worse by the fact that their intent in their original declaration was probably deliberately false so as to disguise what they really are and what they truly represent.


The truth of the matter is that our character is primarily based upon our actual actions and deeds, of which, those actions and deeds should be consistent to those declarations previously made.  To the degree that this is true, we are in harmony between what we say and what we do; and to the degree that this is not true, this is at best, a display of our lack of comprehension of the degree of difficulty to accomplish such, as well as our apparent lack of successful drive and determination to overcome such; or it is a deliberate deception made for our personal benefit to take advantage of those that we can fool, or hope by our words to fool.