In order for any people to be considered to be free, they must at a minimum, be secure within their own person, and their own property, from unreasonable searches and seizures from the state. In those cases in which a home search is conducted, the policing arm of the state is required to have obtained a judicial warrant specifying the location to be searched and the specific things to be seized. The above is part and parcel of the 4th Amendment to our Constitution, but even if this was not specifically spelled out by that Amendment to that Constitution, recognize that a person can never consider themselves to be free and at liberty, if the state apparatus through its policing arm, is able to at their discretion, search and seize, whatsoever that they so desire, with or without notice, at anytime and at any place that they so please.
While, police will decry the unfairness of them always having to get a warrant, specific to the place, people, and items to be seized, under all circumstances, and thereby put forth examples of why they should be able to circumvent such by indicating the exigency of certain dynamic situations; the truth of the matter is, if the Justice department will not do their fair part in staying the overreaching hand of the police, or if both of these institutions, simply agree that in certain specific situations, the police are permitted to do whatsoever that they so desire to do, per their discretion, alone; then the people within that country cannot be considered to be free. Further to the point, such warrantless searches are seldom arbitrary, but rather are often instigated by those that work hand in glove with the well placed and powerful, so that some are accorded special privileges which none shall ever dare tread upon; whereas the general public is forever in danger of having their most basic rights subject to abuse at anytime, in which they have no recourse to such an abuse.
This signifies, that there is absolutely no point in believing or saying false words, claiming that this country is the land of liberty and freedom, when the very police who are sworn to serve and to protect the general public, are performing their duties in a manner which is inimical to specifically that; for these police rather are primarily serving and protecting those that actuate them in particular actions that they thereby take that will or will not be tolerated and supported by those that they answer to. When any police department is effectively utilized as an oppressive cudgel to keep certain people in line, at the behest of those that want to keep the masses, in their place; as well as to demonstrate as necessary, that nobody is safe, then that country is certainly not free, nor are the people at liberty, but rather this distinctly represents what is the epitome of a police state.
To the degree that the justice department turns a blind eye, or implicitly encourages, police departments throughout this land to exercise warrantless searches, and no-knock searches, per their discretion, then the people are never going to be safe, and should rightly fear that they have nowhere to turn for justice; signifying that the highest law of this land is effectively a dead letter.