Exclusive enclaves of the rich / by kevin murray

The United States is broken into three major wealth classes, which are known as the lower, middle, and upper classes.  Further, America is divided into other factions based upon race, creed, education, politics and other associated factors and characteristics that are of importance to people.  One might think that despite all the inherent differences between categories such as black and white, rich and poor, crime and safety, that for the most part there is just that one United States of liberty, justice and freedom; and thereby that each member of this country, is for better or worse, accorded their due respect for being a civil member of it.


In actuality, the people that make up the United States are not united, and really can't be united, because the very rich members of this country live exclusively separate lives to such an extent from all others, that the rich are really a separate category of a citizen, to the degree that all other citizens are really people of a different and distinct country.  So that, for instance, those that are poor and impoverished are limited in where they can live, the opportunities that they have, along with having to deal daily with the prejudices and obstructions that keep them stuck in their place, so that they aren't really all that free to appreciate the niceties of this country, not because it is illegal for them to avail themselves of such, but mainly because they have not the means or knowhow to get to those more desirable places. On the other hand, those that have vast riches, obviously can do just about whatever that they want to do, and therefore if they so desire they can live anywhere; but the rich deliberately congregate amongst themselves so as to protect what they have and to increase their concentration of power.


What the rich really don't want to ever have happen to them, besides losing their money, is to have feelings of guilt, for being, rich.  This thus signifies that the rich in order to feel comfortable have to place themselves into specific positions in which they are essentially surrounded either by open space or only by like-minded people and institutions that are also equally well endowed.    This is why the richest areas of any city, do not have any of the inconvenient accouterments of what plagues lower income areas and also why the rich will not tolerate anything that has the aura of poverty or decay to be in their environment.  That way, when the rich look around, they can pretend that this really is a wonderful country, of meritocracy, and justness, because what they see and congregate with, seems to fairly reflect exactly that.


After all, for the rich, everything that they don't see, because it doesn't exist in their social environment, allows them to believe that it must either not really exist, or if it does exist, it exists at some tolerable low level, which of course, can be overcome by those that exert themselves, and thereby pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.  So that, what this really means, is that the world for the rich, is very, very good; so that anything that could conceivably upset this, must be put down by strong law and order, for the barbarians always must be kept outside the gates, and better yet, kept, far, far, away.