Although the Constitution to the United States is a document that can be easily read within an hour, a lot of people in this great nation have never gotten around to doing even that. Though that reflects rather poorly about the civic state of affairs in America; all is not lost, for the most important words of that Constitution are contained within its preamble, of which that Constitution begins with these immortal words: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union…", which if the representatives of those people of these United States would take these sacred words to heart and thereby keep them in mind for every legislative act so initiated or so contemplated, this country would be closer to being in actuality that land of liberty, tranquility, and of justice for all.
Again, it must be stated, that the whole point of the Constitution of, by, and for the people is to unite those people into one body politic. Unfortunately, the people of these United States, are seldom really united about much of anything, but rather have separated themselves into feuding factions and divisive parties, to the detriment of this country and what it should properly stand for. This is especially distressing in consideration that the highest law of this land, its Constitution, is supposed to be preserved, protected and defended, in particular, by those representatives that have this hallowed responsibility in their hands, but they seem too often to consciously ignore such, in order to support agendas that are inimical to those very principles of that Constitution.
Each of us, that are fortunate enough to be citizens of this great land, must recognized that this country is only as good as the people and representatives of this country, and that many a nation, has decayed and fallen from within, rather than being vanquished by some outside entity. This signifies that this country is in need of a new birth of freedom that recognizes the critical importance that a country united must be built upon a foundation of rock solid principles, and that such a nation so constructed will stand strong, against virtually any adversary, foreign or domestic. On the other hand, that nation that is at war with itself, as well as having a significant portion of its population, apathetic; is a country that will not stand the test of time, nor will it be able to stand strong against unexpected and sustained violent storms.
Those that are the people of this nation need to be committed to binding themselves together upon the principles of this nation, which are to unite a diverse people of different backgrounds, talents, and creeds into being patriots of this country, so as to achieve domestic tranquility, good welfare, fair opportunity, equal justice, and a nation that sustains its egalitarian principles. The very point of this Constitution is for that Constitution to form the focus for the expressed benefit of those people, so that each one of us are able to thereby experience liberty as it is meant to be -- as well as our incumbent responsibilities to that liberty, by our willful participation in that which makes for good and healthy societies as well as great and stable nations.