Anybody that believes in a god that changes, evolves, or is affected somehow by anything that occurs at anytime or at anywhere, fundamentally are believing in either a lesser god, or do not understand the true nature of the only God. This is but one true God, and that God is timeless, eternal, changeless, omnipotent, omniscience, and immutable. While the concept of a perfect changeless God that has always been in existence and always will be in existence may seem like a difficult concept for some people to grasp as well as to comprehend, that does not invalidate the inviolable truth that this is indeed so.
Far too many people want to desperately believe that which is real, is only those things or sights that can be seen or touched; yet, all around us, we find that we deal with everyday things that are unseen and are untouchable such as gravity or the wind, of these we cannot see or hold, yet they are very real. Still, as interesting, as enchanting, or as frustrating, that our earthly experience can be, the end result for all those that born into this world, is that the physical body being finite in its creation, will ultimately pass away, for our physical bodies and even this planet, are impermanent.
In fact, there is nothing tangible that any of us interact with daily that is not, ultimately, impermanent. This doesn't mean that we are not real, but rather what it means is that just as we are subject to change, all that we deal with, are also subject to change. This signifies that the world that we currently exist in, is transitory in nature, and always will be transitory, for that which is created into existence, has both a beginning as well as an end.
On the other hand, all that which is changeless, immutable, and eternal, by definition, has no beginning and has no end; and hence only this substance can be the ultimate reality, because its constitution can never be amended or changed. So then, to the degree that we concentrate our efforts on transitory things is the degree that we often get out of sync with what really matters. That which is eternal is never going to be physical, but instead has to be beyond physicality, as well as being beyond time and space. So that, it behooves us not to limit our thinking and our mindset, by defining ourselves as just some physical body, but rather the better viewpoint is to see ourselves as spiritual beings temporarily housed within a physical body, which thus allows us to know that we are all part of a greater whole.
There is, in the scheme of things, just that one ultimate reality, and all that which is transitory, should be seen for what it really is, which is no more than space and time created for us as a proving ground, that all must ultimately answer to, for false gods lead to false paths, whereas the one true reality is that which never changes, and is forever lasting and enduring.