The legacy of slavery must be rectified / by kevin murray

There are very few people that believe in the present age that it is right and ethical to forcefully steal people from another sovereign nation, and thereby to trade and to sell those people into a foreign land, of which the buyers of such are given the inviolable right to deal with these bought human beings as their chattel slaves, and to thereby do whatever that they want with them, as if they were not human, and were instead, nothing but their personal property , own by, and in the complete control of their new masters.


Yet, these are the very circumstances of what happened previously in the United States of America, as well as other western nations and islands, that took what was not theirs to own, and thereby owned these people, as their own personal property to do with them as they so wished.    But, as in many cases, the times will and do change, so that which is built upon a foundation of greed, incivility, cruelty, injustice and inequality will ultimately come crashing down, for that which is wrong, does not ever, and will not ever, stand the true test of time.


The fact that it took a bloody and lengthy civil war to correct what had to be corrected in the United States was the beginning of the freedom so deserved for those formerly oppressed, but the mere governmental issuance of freedom, as well as those additional Constitutional rights later ratified to augment and protect such, does not mean a whole lot when those laws are not enforced to rightly protect those that these laws were expressly passed for.  Further to the point, to not take properly into account that those that have and own nothing, and are in a high percentage of such cases, illiterate or functionally illiterate, and that cannot count on the governmental infrastructure to assert their rights as equal citizens that are entitled to a fair opportunity to make something of their lives, cannot be considered to be truly free.


That is to say, to free people from their former enslavement, that are not natives to the country that they now see as their home, and to provide them with no fair opportunity to subsequently make a living, or to hold onto or to own land, as well as to permit those that formerly enslaved them, to still have control of local politics, local justice, and local application of such, means that those that have been freed, are not really free, but are trapped within a construct in which they have been promised much but delivered very little.


This thus signifies that to say to anyone that has formerly been enslaved, that they are now freed, but to not follow up and see that they have the proper accouterments, support, and groundwork to effectively be free agents; is to have basically provided a good ship to a people without any proper sailing equipment or even a rudder, which thereby means such ship will drift wherever the wind shall take it, which could easily mean the missing of a good harbor of a land that holds promise, and instead into its dangerous shoals.


So that, those that have stolen the freedom from another, need as a people and as a nation, to recognize that the mere unshackling of chains, does not and will not complete the job of providing freedom, but is rather, just the very first necessary step in doing so.