Surprisingly, this quotation, does not come from some second rate want-to-be revolutionary of a third-world country, but rather comes instead, almost incredibly, from President John F. Kennedy, in 1962. Further, the thought so expressed by Kennedy, seems to be indicative that countries that will not allow its citizens to peacefully assemble, so as to reasonably petition their government for a redress of grievances should expect that the inevitable violent revolution will be the natural outcome from having oppressed the people's voice and having oppressed the people; often methodically done, so as to allow the ruling class to enjoy their very good life at the expense of those people.
So then, a vibrant and strong democracy, will as a matter of course, permit public dissent as part and parcel of its Constitution and of its values; for to not allow such, or to determine to silence or compromise such, and to do so in a manner, in which those that have reasonable viewpoints are not permitted a forum to express those viewpoints, but are instead, dealt with in a manner in which peaceful dissent is silenced or terminated, breeds the very seeds of what once was peaceful into something of disruption and violence.
For instance, America's own revolution was not peaceful, though it could have been; but Great Britain wanted to bring its America colonies to heel, and the colonists, reluctantly at first, but vigorously in time, would not submit to that imperial power, and by and by, the revolution was fought not just with words, but with bullets, blood, and bedlam. So that, this violent American revolution, beget then, the republic that America so represents, culminating with the creation and ratification of its Constitution which represents the highest law of this land.
For any good society to survive as well as it to be of benefit for those people of that society, the voices and actions within that society must not be solely controlled by an elite and select group of people, that thereby set themselves up in a construct in which they are not subject to the very laws that apply to the balance of people. So that, artificial control of any society, will inevitably fail, for what which is built upon injustice, unfairness, inequality and deceit, is an edifice that has been built upon a foundation of sand, and this will not ever stand the test of time.
So, despite the belief of those that appear to be so powerful, that none could ever take their power from them; they continually worry about that very thing, feeling an unease as to whether such an attack or assault will come from the inside or from the outside, in which therefore in order to ease their mind, they insist upon the control, monitoring, and infiltration of everything within that society. This invariably means that in this artificial and double-dealing structure, that a peaceful and fair resolution with the people is not ever going to be conceivable or even possible, and hence those that have been denied everything, while being promised everything, will be absolutely determined that they will not be denied that which is their birthright, by that which never had the legitimate right to take such from them.