Life, for most people, contains a significant amount of frustration and disappointment; in particular, to those important things that will not conform to our desires and needs at that time and place. For instance, we are nonplussed when we are nice and considerate to someone that is our friend, in which we do not receive the same sort of reciprocal response in return. Further, our patience often wears thin, when other people do not appear to react in a way that is either logical or consistent to our viewpoint, and hence we have to change our direction in order to accommodate their needless and apparent mistake. Again and again, people that we know, as well as our interplay with various elements of society seems to constantly entail interactions that do not go to plan, and certainly do not conform to what we believe should be happening in the here and now.
Not too surprisingly, in a construct in which we are constantly disappointed in our fellow compatriots, and in which that society seems, in general, to be in error, or clueless, we develop a habit of feeling disappointment and the frustration that thereby comes upon us by virtue of our desires and needs being thwarted again and again. Yet, this should really not be all that unexpected, because in a world in which each of us is created with free will, and in which each of us has different needs and different desires, and where many of us come from backgrounds that can be quite fundamentally different, than the outcome of all of this when each of us meets in our social interactions, is going to be something far less than harmonious, especially when each individual believes that they should be the master controller of all that is happening around and to them.
It must therefore be recognized, that the only real things that we can control are those things which are entirely of our own making, as well as recognizing the correlating thought that it is only our reactions and thoughts to what is occurring in and around us that are actually in our control. This thus means that rather than being upset that what is happening, is not happening per our desires and preferences, we must let go of our frustration and anger, to resolve instead to find the common ground, that allows us to function in a manner in which our connection to others is beneficial for all that are intertwined.
That is to say, the belief that things should be our way, only because we want things to be our way, is a mindset that is neither positive nor successfully resolves a thing. Rather, it must be acknowledged that first the change that we wish to have in this world, must start with our own self, and thereupon to the degree that we can engage others in a conversation that involves a true meeting of the minds, change is initiated. Thereby, by understanding the other better, this becomes more conducive towards building a coalition of both commonality and purpose, for when two or more are joined together, especially for a cause or purpose that is worthwhile, then we are on the right road of human progress, and no longer stymied by the blindness of our selfish ego.