Most people deeply desire to be happy, and while they may well recognize that to be happy 100% of the time, isn't ever going to happen, they still desire to be happy, as much as can be conceivable in their lives. Somewhat regrettably, the world does not revolve around each one of us, and neither has it been created by any one of us, so that, as much as we might desire to be happy, and to have happy things happen for us and around us, it doesn't actually work out that way, because we don't have the ability to control everything or to bend everything to our desires. Further, it would seem that there are people and circumstances that conspire against us having all the happiness that we want, or believe that we deserve, making us therefore, unhappy.
So then, in order to become happy, some people believe that a prudent way to do so, is to find someone that will aid and abet them in being and becoming happy, more times than not. For some people, they do find that special someone that does help them greatly in their happiness and that is indeed a very good thing. For other people, though things might well start off quite favorably, they often find to their dismay that the someone that they have selected to increase their happiness, ends up, instead, not only not increasing their happiness, but actually making them far less happy and far less satisfied then they were previously.
Perhaps an audacious solution to all of this is that rather than trying to find someone that will make you happy, it might actually make more sense to find someone or perhaps some activity that you desire to do; in which by devoting yourself to that person or activity, you end up feeling the delight of bringing happiness to another, and hence have the inner satisfaction in accomplishing, something of real value and merit.
So then, it could be stated, that the pursuit of happiness, need not necessarily mean that you need to find someone to make you happy, but rather you can be happy and satisfied when finding someone that by helping to make them happy, brings happiness also to your inner being. This signifies that those times when you have devoted yourself to another, in which, while it might well have appeared to have been a personal sacrifice of both time and effort that this, somehow, has brought immense joy to your being, for in that giving, you feel both honored and valued.
The pathway to happiness is going to be different for each one of us, and such can change depending upon where we are in our life at that stage. However, those that take the time to really reflect as to when they are the most happiest and satisfied, will often find, that it is in those times, when they have voluntarily given to another, without a real expectation of receiving any gain in return, that they feel an inner peace, and a happiness, that makes them know that they are highly regarded and truly appreciated.