Governments come and governments go; even those governments that have written Constitutions and have stood the test of time for more than two hundred years. For no government is immune to suffering the fate of its own demise, even when such governing words as written and propagated are exceeding wise and of immense value for the people.
The very first problem that any government that so desires to be of the benefit to the union of the people, is when the governing representatives of that country are not true to the words of its governing principles, in practice and in its effective operation. After all, when a country states that all are equal before the law, and that all are equally created, in which each of its compatriots are entitled to fair opportunity, liberty, and their pursuit of that which brings them satisfaction; in which, none of these things are actually occurring in the here and now for that union of people, then that country is obviously not true to its governing principles and that country is not just to the very people that it claims to legitimately represent.
So then, in the governmental compact, that has been voluntarily agreed upon, in which the words and ideals so being disseminated, are not being aided and abetted in principle by the actions and activities of that government, in which, in actuality some of the people are clearly being benefited in an unfair and dishonorable manner, whereas a significant swath of that constituency is suffering the ill effects of things such as discrimination, unfairness, and injustice; then that government cannot be, a government of, for, and by the people, but rather this represents a government that serves a specific some at the expense of the impotent many.
All of this, makes very clear, that when those that are our governmental representatives, have the audacity to claim that they are supporting justice, fairness, and equality but are none of those very things themselves; then the people have been cheated from their rightful place and position within that sacred compact of those people joining together into one body politic for the benefit of the people. So that, where there is no justice, there will be no lasting peace; and where there is no fairness, there will be no tranquility; and where there is no equality there will be no fair opportunity.
Those that believe that mere governmental edicts, and laws upon laws, will somehow bring peace, fairness, and prosperity for all are grossly mistaken. Rather, good governance requires an active government, of which those representatives as well as the enactors and makers of the laws, are by their actions and activities, always open and transparent with the people; in which the abiding principle of that government, is that no one individual is ever above the law, but rather that all are to be held equally accountable to good Constitutional law, so as to provide to each of those people, a fair chance to benefit from that union of the people, for the betterment of the people, and be therefore the land that truly embodies justice for all.