The fear of lost, of abandonment, of health, of employment, of wealth, of security and so many other things are part and parcel of most people's lives. We fear these things not only because losing such could seemingly cost us everything, but mainly we fear them greatly because in many instances, we do not have the power or the inherent ability to completely stop or to fully control that which fears us excessively; and lacking that power, means that we are vulnerable, and being vulnerable means that we apparently are not the master controller of our lives or our destiny.
In point of fact, only that which is the Creator of it all, of which that Creator is immutable, invincible, and unassailable, never knows fear; for nothing, not now, and not ever, can ever take what is rightfully in the domain of the Creator from that omnipotent Creator. On the other hand, we as fallible human beings, should recognize at a very early age, that because we are fallible, and further that within this incarnate experience here on earth, being that we are beholden to the laws and limitations that our physical body presents to us, as well as the complications of integrating with others that have different minds, different priorities, and are free agents, themselves; that we as much as we might try or wish, cannot control others, or even to a certain degree, control our own life as it relates to our desires for our self.
This thus signifies that those that cannot control the outcomes that they so deeply desire, or are ever fearful of what they have at the present time and do greatly value, such as good health, a good family, or a good job, are worried that what they do currently have is something that try as they might, they won't be able to forever hold onto. To a very large extent, this is true, for everything that relates to this planet and our physical presence upon it, is only ours for a finite amount of time, no matter, how long we battle or how determined that we are that such will be different.
So then, logically, to be fearful or afraid of that which cannot ever be ours on a permanent basis is to worry about something that need not be worried about, for it could never be fully ours, to begin with. So too, an enormous amount of time and resources are spent in the vain hope that we, at some future point, will be able to control that which is not in our control, and never will be in our control. Even those, that intuitively recognize this truth, will somehow still believe that if they store up enough goods in their inviolable storehouse, that all will be well, but earthy treasures are susceptible to not only the ravages of time, but to the vagaries of life, which can be quite sudden and very sure.
We fear that which we believe we own, being wrested away from us, but that which we truly own, cannot ever be taken away from us. So that, only those attributes which are eternal and good such as love, justice, and truth -- only these are eternal, and these are the very building blocks that drive out fear, for fear only lives in that which lacks these very characteristics.