The sin and wrong that we do in our lives, happen for a lot of various reasons, of which, some of those sins and wrongs are done by ignorance, though, in truth, not many; and most of those sins and wrongs are done through our own volition, though many often blame others or circumstances for such occurring, as if that blame, will somehow make each of us, less culpable, individually.
The far better perspective to take about sin and wrong deeds, is to first recognize the truth that we are each responsible for what we do, say, and become. To believe, that somehow that we are not, presupposes that we do not have free will, and while there very well may be circumstances in which our free will is circumscribed, there are always choices to be made, and by our subsequent actions, this is what we must answer for in life.
It must be fairly recognized, that how we are brought up, how we are taught, and the people that we congregate with, are all absolutely germane in our understanding of society and of life; of which, those that are deceived, such as being taught that wrong is right, are going to have to make up quite some distance in order to get back onto the right side of seeing and doing things, correctly. That is why it is of critical importance to everyone, to understand that their thoughts and their mind are their own property, and none else; so that therefore they need to take responsibility and thereby own that awesome personal power, as soon as they are able, in recognition that they are sovereign agents, and hence responsible, for what they say and do.
So then, the sin and wrongs that we do, often comes down to not comprehending correctly who and what we really are; of which, those that are taught at a very young age, the truth of who and what they truly are, are quite fortunate for being gifted with this profound knowledge, for those that know the truth, are more inclined to be adherents to that truth, because they are cognizant that to not do so, is detrimental to them as well as to society, at large.
This signifies that fundamentally there must be an acknowledgment within each one of us, that we are gifted by our Creator with free will, and by that gift, this thereby signifies that we are individually responsible for all that we say and do; of which, unlike justice in this world, which can often be bought, or circumvented for some, or suffered unjustly by many; the only justice that truly matters is the one that each one of us will face, which is always fairly and equally applied.
So then, sin is created, every time that we do something wrong; of which, in short, we knew better, but we did not do better. This means, that within each one of us, is the power to sin, or to not sin, and that our choices do so matter. So that, our society, and the world that we live in, represents the sin and wrongs that collectively we are; of which, the change that so many people talk about or desire to have, is now and always has been, collectively in our hands, indicative of those free will acts that we make each and every day; of which, those that know the truth of who and what they are, should not only lead by example, but need to do more to help and to show others the way.