America should be greatly shamed that just three individuals, as reported by the Institute of Policy Studies, own more collectively in monetary assets than the bottom half of America's population. This signifies, that 160 million Americans combined, in this the country of egalitarian principles, of equality and fairness for all, are superseded by just three individuals that basically own it all and then some. This is proof positive that the current tax system as exercised does not accomplish what it is supposed to accomplished, for that tax system is obviously not progressive, and does not appropriate tax wealth effectively from the superrich, and in particular, allows those assets of the superrich to blithely compound upon itself, over and over again.
It would be one thing, if even the poorest of the poor in America, own their own home or at least had safe housing of some sort, as well as had a reliable means or reasonable access to transportation, and were provided with a quality free education, healthy living conditions, a living wage, and additionally had fair access to quality healthcare that did not bankrupt them -- but in reality, this isn't true. In point of fact, there is an underclass in America, of significant size, that doesn't own much of anything, of which their prospects are bleak and they live lives that are in many respects, insufferable. Further, the great middle class of America is often stressed, because in order to maintain their status, they have to juggle so many duties and obligations that it seems like they never will be able to ever truly stop running, just to maintain their place.
There isn't any good point in knowing our Declaration of Independence, because a significant mass of Americans, unlike the superrich, aren't actually independent, but are in reality, dependent upon their own government to provide material aid to them, and of this aid, it often isn't enough. Additionally, too many Americans are far too often overly dependent upon monopolistic institutions that employ them at wages, which are typically unfair, un-negotiated, and unsecure. Further, there isn't any good point in knowing our Constitution, because this country rather than being of, for, and by the people, is actually of, for and by those that are superrich at the expense of the people.
The pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, cannot truly occur when three individuals own it all, leaving but breadcrumbs for half of the population. This signifies that despite the fact that the people have the vote, that clearly those that are the representatives of, the members of, and the lawmakers and interpreters of the law, are in fit, form, and function servants of the only class that effectively matters, which is the superrich.
If America was fair, there would not now be, and never would there be, a trio of men, that own more in wealth, than 160 million Americans, combined. This means that the system is clearly broken, and the dream of America being a beacon of opportunity and hope, for those that have little or nothing is effectively a nightmare and has been negated by those that own it all, of which this government, apparently will not ever assert itself to take what needs to be taken and to thereby prove the self-evident truth that all of mankind is equal, and equally deserving of the right to a fair chance and to a fair opportunity.