Most people's understanding of freedom is fundamentally flawed / by kevin murray

It would seem that in America, that this country prides itself upon freedom, of which, the concept held by so many people appears to be that true freedom, is one's ability to do whatever that they so desire to do, subject to some degree of reasonable laws, that thereby precludes doing stupid things that infringe upon other people's freedom, such as, for instance, gunning another person down in cold blood.  So basically, a whole lot of people believe that freedom consists in doing whatever that they will to do, and whatever that they feel like doing, and to just basically keep doing that.  That's freedom -- or is it?


In point of fact, in any situation consisting of a country of people, that believe wholeheartedly that they are entitled to do whatever that they want to do, is going to be a country in which there will be, indisputably, also a whole lot of conflict, because in that world in which each party believes that they are each equally permitted to that sort of freedom will inevitably stir up that trouble of conflicting and entitled desires colliding against one another; and of which typically such is eventually resolved in an unfair manner, of favoring almost exclusively those that are the rich, powerful, and influential who thereby dictate to all those that are not, the full measure of those laws enacted thereof, being applied unequally and unfairly to those that lack the wherewithal to preclude such.


In truth, freedom is never going to be and ought never considered to be, something in which it is a free-for-all for everybody, because that simply does not work; of which, we see the reality of that construct in countries such as America, which while preaching freedom, incarcerates its own citizens at exceedingly high and unprecedented levels.  Rather, freedom should be properly seen as an unalienable right that has been gifted to us by our God, for the express purpose of providing us with the choice of thereby using our freedom to perform good deeds for others, in accordance to the wise guidance of God.  In other words, those that have free will and freedom, should understand that it is in our ability to do right and to be good on behalf of God and therefore to be of aid to those that we congregate and associate with, that so represents true freedom, for that signifies that those so created by God, have paid the highest homage so possible to God, by voluntarily being godly in all that they say and do.


All those then, that take their freedom and decide selfishly that they do not desire to do the will of God, as per their free choice, have by that action, created sin -- and that which is sin, is not now and never will be in harmony with the good attributes of God.  Therefore, those that freely do wrong have essentially traded that which was freely gifted to them, for a false construct in which they profess to believe that they are entitled to those free actions, and yet, somehow can't come to grips that they have by so doing, traded their freedom so as to take into their hands instead, their free passageway into the very gates of hell.