In this world, we are confronted to varying degrees with those forces that are evil in nature. For good people, the world over, the fact that there is so much evil being conducted within this world, is often quite distressing, and especially this is so for those that have great faith in God; for it seems as if this world, has separated itself from God, or even that God somehow lacks fully the omnipotence and omniscience so attributed to his Being.
The truth of the matter is that God is always good, and of God, there is no evil and no error, whatsoever; and because God is both immutable as well as being eternal, this thus signifies that all is well. Yet, for those that are here upon this planet, all is not well, and clearly there is an abundance of things so occurring and happening, which is wrong, false, and evil; thereby making a lot of the faithful and true, quite nervous and clearly distressed.
It is wise to remember, that the rules of incarnation upon this dimension are not the same as what it is when we are outside of our bodily form; which thereby lacks such distortion, whenever we have returned to becoming pure spirit. This planet, represents in so many ways, the desire of those that have been created by their God, to be, for whatever reason or reasons, separated from that which is perfection so as to thereby experience a form of life, in which, that separation has created all of the duality that we thereby come across, day-by-day. That is to say, encased within a physical form, thereby forms within our being, the duality of existing as being physical, yet, also as spiritual; and to the degree that we lose sight of the fact that we are in actuality immortal and in essence a spiritual being we thereby often find ourselves getting more encased into the physicality and therefore the dilemma so represented by our present material dimension.
Further to the point, our body has innate demands that require food, warmth, shelter, sleep, and so on, of which because we need these things, as well as our being fearful of other things, creates the need or the desire to often do what we believe we have to do in order to get those self-sustaining things; thereby materially contributing to a persona of our giving in to our desires and because those desires will inevitably conflict with other people and their particular desires, this thereby becomes the most salient reason of why evil, so of, is subsequently created.
In other words, when our desires meet another person's desires, in which, each of those people, sees the other as someone that is not equally worthy or entitled to such, then that discord, thereby creates all the trouble thereof. This is why we subsequently see this world as representing a perpetual war between the forces of good versus that of evil; of which, the reality is that evil could not exist, and in fact, does not exist, except within that dimension which has turned its back, so to speak, upon God's eternal law, in the fruitless attempt to somehow disbelieve in God's existence and relevancy. All those that separate themselves from God, therefore live within a space in which they essentially are doing battle with their own self, believing wholeheartedly that this is a fight to the death; when in reality it is a fight to re-discover who and what we truly are.