Accept the challenge / by kevin murray

Far too many people aren't up for the challenges that life inevitably brings, but rather would instead prefer to either outright avoid them, or to simply live a life, which doesn't necessitate having to make the effort to overcome them.  That though, is really the coward's way, for a coward does not wish to risk his own endangerment, and will do everything possible to run from that which is right in front of him, which he has perceived as being one of trouble or of danger, though, it may well not be.


Those that have come into this world, with a real purpose, are those that have well prepared themselves to do battle with the forces of evil, oppression, injustice, falsity, unfairness, and wrong.  This thus means, that confrontations will occur between those two opposing forces of right and wrong of which this must and does occur; of which, the changes that we so often proclaim that we would desire to have, necessitate the slaying of that which precludes such a change, which thereby requires our forthright effort as well as such from those that have the same desires and mindset.


The very point of challenges in life, is to forcefully awaken us from the pathetic escaping of what we should actually be doing -- whenever we waste ourselves inordinately through distractions and mindless activities, so that we can instead thereby be shaken up from our complacency or tendency to such, to thereupon be roused to rise up and become the courageous lion that each of us has been birthed with.  We should welcome the opportunity to prove our mettle, for words are forever cheap, and it is in our actions, that thereby prove whether we are true to what we honor or not, and subsequently the result of such, makes for our having done our part to make this world a better place for our involvement in  it.


After all, nobody would bother reading a novel or going to a movie, if there wasn't some vitally important inherent conflict or trouble that the hero of such a story, has to overcome through great personal effort, much danger, and palpitating risk, in order to rightly earn what they have put their mind upon to achieve.  This signifies, that all those that want easy victories, and easy lives, are those that are cheap in their outlook, and cheap in their viewpoint; for every the most cursory of looks, indicates that this world and the people that live upon it, are ever in need, of a real hero to help aid them in overcoming the troubles so presented to them.


Remember this well, when we contemplate upon what our finest day or finest hour was, it is never that day or hour when we were relaxing in front of the television, or something similar to that; but rather it is that day or hour, when we stood up, even perhaps with trembling knees, and took on that which was wrong that stood menacing in our way, and overcame that trouble; for that which is false, or evil, or unjust, cannot ever long stand before that which is true, righteous, noble, and courageous, for determined good ultimately always vanquishes evil, and always will.