Always at war / by kevin murray

The United States of America would not always be at wars all across this globe, if it actually was a living and breathing Constitutional republic; but it is only that on paper, for in principle it is anything but that. Again and again, the United States, trivializes the importance of its Congressional legislature, which is the voice of the people, so represented by those elected by the people in each of those individual States, and thereby bypasses the need for the Constitutional declaration of war by those representatives of Congress, and instead forthrightly goes about making war upon other nations, principalities, and inchoate elements such as the "war on terror", without any sort of legislative authorization or even a need to consult such.  Further, although the United States is both the principle founder as well as being the most important member of those that make up the United Nations, that does not mean that the United States, believes it has the need to or let alone is concerned with being ever held accountable to that august tribunal; for the United States, simply does whatever that it so desires to do, on behalf of the executive office of that United States, and in the obedient fulfilling of the desires of the military-industrial-technology complex, that answers not a peep to the people of this great land.


The United States has no interest in actually having a true, impartial and a fair dialog with other countries, principalities, or even those that they have classified as terrorists -- when they have some sort of dispute with such; nor is it ever of real concern for the United States to make a proper case for war, to its very own people, let alone to those that are their sister members of the United Nations, but rather the United States adheres to the only avenue that they believe is truly representative of what the United States stands for, which is force, first and foremost, and none else. 


This so signifies that the United States is the world's preeminent bully, though it does not prefer to be known by that moniker, but in essence, all of the attributes of a bully, are clearly that which represent those United States; for this country, feels it does not need to ever justify its aggressive military actions against other sovereign lands and innocent peoples, but simply takes war to any principality that gets in its manifest dynastic way, and any such principality that does not pay permanent and abject obeisance to this nation, will for a certainty pay the price for such disobedience, in one form or another.


The United States has no need for formal diplomatic relations with any other nation, friend or foe, because in point of principle, the United States' flag, bows down to no other nation; so then, there is no point in even pretending that an actual dialog between this nation and another, would ever consist of the United States at least listening some of the time to the concerns of the other, and thereby addressing differences between such, via a mature point-by-point basis, because in fact, the United States ultimately listens to no outside voice and nobody -- including not even its own people and their representatives. 


The United States is always at war, because it does not wish to deal with foreign policy in any manner that legitimizes any concerns or interests of those other principalities, especially that which would be considered to be relevant and sensible, but rather prefers instead to exercise aggressively its military muscle and thereby to bully such into submission.