There is only one Truth / by kevin murray

The confusion that consists of modern society along with the credulity of some people, have allowed those that have bad intentions in mind, to obfuscate something that should never be tarnished; which is that there ultimately is just one truth, and there never was and there never will be a time in which there is in reality a multitude of equally valid truths, inconsistent one with another.  Because we are flawed human beings, with limitations to our mind and prejudices within our character, it is common that certain egotistical people believe that they, alone, have the truth; or alternatively to that, that each person in their own way has their own personal truth, of which each of these truths, are equally valid, along with that truth being subservient to the whims of a given person's personality or one's perceived knowledge at a given time.


The most important characteristic about truth, is that truth is never subjective, and further to the point, that therefore truth never changes, for that which is true now, was true ever, and ever will be true.  So then, anything that is subject to change, or that is subject to the different proclivities of a given individual, cannot be defined as fully true, because truth never changes for anyone or any being, ever.  It is important to comprehend that the whole truth, consists of nothing but the truth, and every facet within that truth is also completely true, and if those conditions are not met, then what is being so discussed or contemplated upon, may be true for what it is, but it is not the whole truth.


The reason that truth is so important, is that the makeup of our Creator is pure and undefiled Truth, for there can never be any falsehood within our God, for our God is immutable, omniscient, and flawless; signifying that if God is not true at truth's most comprehensive level, then our God is a false God, that knows not that one Truth.  Fortunately, that is not the case, which signifies that our aspiration to that Truth is the straight and narrow path for each one of us to take journey upon.  So too, anytime that in our behavior and in our demeanor that we are not true to our fellow sojourners here on earth, then we have stepped out of the path of enlightenment and into the darkness of delusion.


 It is a dangerous dogma when truth is propagated as something subjective and ever changing upon the winds of the time, when in fact, that sort of shifty truth is more appropriately defined as an opinion or an illusion.  While one's perceptions can be false, because we are ourselves flawed, and therefore one's belief about what appears to be true, can be mistaken, this does not change the primary object of us all -- which is to live up to truth, and none else.  That there is an absolute truth, should never be dismissed as a myth, but rather should be embraced, for it is in our rising up to that truth, that we break free from the chains that preclude us from knowing that which must be known and lived to.