Worthiness and love / by kevin murray

Living in a competitive world, can confuse some people to the degree that they thereupon believe that even valued emotional attachments and feelings, such as, for instance, our love for one another, is also a competition, of which, there are thereby those that are inherently more deserving of love, than others.  This belief thus signifies, that some people, will inevitably place themselves into the position of which they feel so badly about their own self, that they then further feel, that they are undeserving or unworthy of love from another.  To have this type of mindset is quite dangerous as well as being incorrect, for love, really is about "willing the good of the other", as compared to something that only certain people have, or deserve to have, or that has been earned.  That is to say, no matter what a given person has done, or where they are in their character development, or mistakes so made, that person is always worthy of love, no matter what, because we should always want what is best for a given person.


In point of fact, you cannot buy love; nor can you earn love, for what you buy is what you buy, and what you earn is what you earn, and so these are totally separate from the fact that love is something that has been gifted and granted to us by our Creator, and that our unalienable right to God's love for us, can never be sundered from us, no matter what happens, or what we do, for good or for bad, for right or for wrong.  Remember this well, God never abandons a single, solitary soul, and further to the point, God knows our end from our beginning, so that God worries not a whit about how we will find our way back to God, for all that God so creates, forever returns to that which was its source, in the beginning.


All of this combined means that each one of us, no matter where we are in the stage of our evolution, no matter what we have done, or how we have been judged; are always loved and are forever being loved, right here and right now, by that which is the epitome of love.  So then, because God loves us unconditionally, we as His offspring, have a sacred duty to do the same to all those that we come across, in this world, as opposed to making our "love" conditional upon right actions and the like from others.


So then, until each one of us, is able to see that everyone is in essence, a child of God, and thereby made in the image of the Spirit of that God, and therefore clearly entitled to all that God has and represents, then we will continue to have difficulty in expressing in this world our love one to another.  Those that make conditions for their love have wrongly imprisoned that which has been freely bestowed upon each one of us, and therefore, those that do that, for whatever reason, offer nothing more than a counterfeit love, of which that very dim light, holds no candle, to that which is far beyond the brightest of the brightest of lights.