Your first, her last / by kevin murray

Mothers are irreplaceable; not only that, but recognize well that it takes nine months for a mother to give birth to her child, of which the very first breath so taken by that newborn child,  is done in the loving presence of one's own mother.  In tribute to, and consideration of all that mothers do for their children, from their very first breath, and thereupon onwards and into their childhood; which thereby continues into the process of seeing that child grow into becoming their own person, as well as having their own life, living their own adulthood, and thereby earning their independence, one would think that through all that has happened and is still happening, that each child would clearly recognize that they owe a debt of loving gratitude to one's own mother.


This would imply, or more than imply, that each of us has a moral obligation to be there with our mother, when she is nearing the end of her physical presence here on earth, and whether or not we can physically be with her in those last dying breaths, we should at a minimum be there in spirit with her, for she was with us at our very first breath and so too she was the one that birthed us into this world to begin with, so we owe her the loving comfort that as her children, we can so bring to her by being there, when she is nearing her end and needs that love from us, so as to help aid and to console her.


It is always easier to celebrate the birth of something new, and so much harder to celebrate a life lived well, but that is what each of is called to do; for nothing born into this world will escape from it, for all must pass through the process of death of that which is physical. This thus signifies that in acknowledgement that each us will thereupon pretty much follow the same stages that life so represents, that we need to do our level base at each one of those stages, for inevitably that bell will so personally toll for us, and when it does, each of us would strongly prefer that we are not alone, when we invariably face that which must be faced.


Mothers are truly special, and without the nurturing and care that mothers so provide to each one of us, life itself would undoubtedly be cold, brutish, nasty and all so short.  We are absolutely dependent upon our needs being met when we are young children, because without that care, compassion, and love, we would not be able to sustain ourselves, because we have not yet developed the wherewithal to do so. That is why as we mature and become wise we must pay back what was given to us, free of charge, because that is what a good, responsible individual is obligated to do for all those that have done them right.


Each of us has a first breath, and each of us will breathe our last; but before we do that, we should make sure that we do our best to do right by our mother, so as to properly honor her, with our caring presence and with our enduring love.