Beyond the physical, lies immortality / by kevin murray

There are those that spend an inordinate amount of time, wanting to live forever, on this planet, as physical human beings, seemingly not recognizing that their souls as well as their mind when they are combined are the actual actuators of their physical body, and are by definition, immortal and therefore indestructible.  Yet, the search for that "fountain of youth" ever continues, and probably ever will continue, especially for all those that are enjoying their earthly incarnation, and thereby not wishing for it to end, and hence searching for that immortality, for specifically that which is physical, although such will never ever occur.  


All of this searching for physical immortality is especially disconcerting as well as being disappointing, for all those that have professed their Christianity or are believers in such, and therefore are familiar with the resurrection of the Christ.  The point of the innocent Christ being scourged, beaten, mistreated, unjustly accused and thereupon executed via a brutal crucifixion was to send an unequivocal message to those aware of these seminal events, that respect in this world, and life upon it, should never be our primary concern, for we are not the body; but rather the body merely houses that which is immortal and therefore no earthly power can ever take that inherent immortality from us, for such has risen above.


Christ thereupon rose from the dead, and reconstituted his physical body to prove to all that would open their eyes and their hearts, that those that are faithful to God, are not limited by the confines of any one physical body, but are clearly above and beyond such.  Further to the point, that which is immortal has always been, and always will be triumphant over that which is temporal.  So that, the primary objective of this life, cannot be to live forever on this planet, especially in ignorance of what and who we really are; but rather to come to the full and conscious recognition that we are the offspring of the one and only omniscient Creator, and that our destiny lies therefore in our return to that which we freely left; of which we did such so that we could experience material life in a material world, and thereupon play our role upon it.


Those that are slow learners, or that are caught up in the drama that life on this planet so represents, have an abiding desire to keep playing the roles that they have bought into, again and again.  Yet, the entanglements that keep us attached to this planet are delusionary in their form, and therefore it is necessary for great avatars to be gifted to us, so as to help us to better comprehend this world.  So that we can thereby become fully awake and eventually break free from the lure that keeps each of us separated from that which is the only Being that will provide us with lasting peace as well as an impregnable sanctuary.


Each of us is immortal, and immortal we will ever be.  This thus means, that those that see physical life and physical death as the ultimate reality, have failed to process correctly that Christ willingly died, then reconstituted his body, and further ascended thereafter into Heaven, to prove that the only temple that matters, can never be taken away from us by mere human agents, but rather that we are, in essence, always spirit, and not the physical.