John 14: 26 / by kevin murray

We read in Holy Scripture: "But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things, and will remind you of all that I said to you." (John 14: 26)  The reason that our Messiah spoke those words was to make known to his disciples, and thereby to the world, that our visualization of Jesus the Christ was meant for our expressed benefit, and that his absence, soon to come, of his physical form, should not be a worry to anyone, for the Holy Spirit, will ever be amongst us.


In so many people's minds, they believe that the beginning of everything is the birth of, for example, a given person, and that therefore it so follows, that the end of everything is the death of that which was born.  This is true only to the extent that it is the truth for that which is physical; but it has never been true and never will be true for that which is spirit.  Further to the point, it is a foundational error to see ourselves exclusively as physical beings, of which, even the most cursory of thinkers, must recognize that the nature of thinking is not physical, and of which the brain that each one of us has, is not the originator of thoughts, but merely the sophisticated instrument that allows our thoughts to be expressed through our physical embodiment.


So too, though many wonder why Christ was born in such a relatively primitive age, and of which that time in history did not allow for mass communications and the ease of travel so readily done in today's world; those thinking that, are fundamentally missing the point, for there never was a time when Christ did not exist, and never will there be a time when Christ will not exist, for Christ is indeed that which is indestructible, unchangeable, and immortal; or else His mission here on earth had no real abiding purpose.  To understand the crucifixion, one needs to also understand the resurrection and also later, Christ's ascension, of which, that passion story in its unity, should clearly indicate to us, that Christ was not subject to the laws of time -- as we understand it here on earth, and further that Christ was in essence, not His physical body, but was ever Holy Spirit.


This thus signifies that Christ has not only never left us, but that Christ has always been with us and always will be, and therefore it is our responsibility, to find that Holy Spirit, so that we will be taught the most important things that we need to know, and therefore by our learning, help our fellow brethren in their journey on this earthly plane; for all those that do not really know who they are, are lost, and those that are lost, are subject to suffering all the ill effects of a life without purpose or of a life consisting far too often of confusion and missteps.  After all, if we do not know who we really are, how is it that we can hope to conduct ourselves in a manner that is beneficial for ourselves as well as for others?  Fortunately, the Holy Spirit is there for all of those that sincerely wish to search inside for such, for God ever leaves us the opportunity for enlightenment, so as to fully dispel the darkness and delusion that we so often find ourselves seemingly transfixed by.