To better understand what is being "born again" / by kevin murray

We read in Holy Scripture, "That which is born of the flesh is flesh. That which is born of the Spirit is spirit.  Don’t marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born anew.’" (John 3: 6-7) While there are all sorts of interpretations of what this means to be born anew or born again, for a certainty, as it was explained in additional Holy Scripture passages, we cannot be born again in a literal sense, via our current mother's womb, but rather we will always be truly born again when our consciousness wakes up from its delusion that it is ever actually separated from God and realizes instead that all that God ever creates, is good and thereby anything that appears to be what it is not in essence, is a deceit upon our mind.  In other words, we are created by our God as perfect beings, and that perfection never leaves us; though, if we so choose, we can allow the duality of good and evil, or light and darkness to enter into our consciousness, by disassociating ourselves, at least on a conscious level or through the suppressing of such, from that which is perfection, itself, and hence thereby fall into a world in which we are in need of being born anew.


Remember this well, we are created as perfect beings, for God has no need and has not the attributes to create that which is imperfect for that would be an error and God is inerrant.  So then, the imperfections that we exhibit in the here and now are based upon our inability to utilize our "free will" in a manner in which we are, at all times, in conformance with that which is immutable and flawless.  So then, as fallen human beings, it is up to each one of us, to rediscover the straight and narrow pathway that will take us back to that which is our very purpose for having being created, and therefore, we must discard the old wineskins of deceit and error, and replaced such with that which is instead, honest and perfect, by rebirthing ourselves into being fully cognizant that we are the legitimate offspring of an omniscient God.


The world that we live in, is clearly not a perfect world, of which, the reason for this being the case, is that the people that populate it and thereby make decisions upon it, are far too often, not in synchrony or in harmony with that which is the actuator of this planet, and thereby the result is the trouble that is displayed upon it, day-by-day.  The answer to this dilemma, cannot be more free will misapplied, or more selfishness and more greed personified, but rather the conscious recognition that each of us are in this world together, with the very same mission, which is to comprehend fully the recognition that when graced by our God with the liberty to do whatsoever that we so desire to do, that we, at some point, in the near term or not, must finally come to the conscious recognition that the only solution to what so troubles us, and the people that surround us, is to freely return to that which is omnipresent, and thereby free ourselves from the delusion that we are ever forsaken or forgotten, but rather that we are forever one with our Supreme God and be true to only that.