The right evolution / by kevin murray

For whatever reason, guided or misguided, schools insist in propagating the belief that mankind has somehow evolved from apes, over some period of millions of years.  How much truth or credence that one can put into this theory, depends upon what the true purpose of mankind really is; of which, for those that believe that mankind's highest purpose is simply to be a very smart and diligently evolved person, and that this is in essence all that we will ever be, then such an evolutionary theory as that, perhaps serves its purpose. On the other hand, for those that intuitively understand that the purpose of our life on this material plane is to expand our human consciousness so as to ultimately connect and link into God's consciousness, they have discovered the right evolution, and thereby the only evolution of lasting relevance and of abiding purpose.


The blinding of people's eyes so as to systematically ignore all that is invisible and of the spirit, to thereby put their efforts only upon that which is visible, measurable, and considered to be knowable is a tragic dead end, and thereby is not evolutionary, whatsoever.  While it is true that we are physical in our constitution on this material plane, is also true that each of us has dominion over our mind and of our spirit, and of which, through learned concentrated focus, and often through the guidance of someone or something that represents our guru or wise one, we are thereby able to experience the opening up of our third eye, which permits us to subsequently connect to that which is inerrant, all knowing, and all seeing.


The evolution that each of us is required to achieve, is that evolution that brings us ever closer to oneness with God, and not that which ignores or circumvents the Creator of it all.  We are here in this world, for the expressed purpose to prove that we have the wherewithal and thereby the gumption to follow the pathway that will provide us with living water, rather than faithfully following those false constructs that are in the end, of temporal satisfaction, if even that.  We live within an age in which never have so many, been provided with so much in material goods from achieved impressive material success; yet, that age is also an age in which a massive contingent of those materially successful people are haunted that all that they have in hand, still does not bring them lasting satisfaction in their lives.


There is in this world, and every dimension beyond such, just one truth, though there may be many pathways that will bring us to that truth, there is, definitively, just that one truth.  Those that are false or are on false paths will have to, sooner or much, much later, find that which is true, in order to thereby have that piece of mind and of spirit, which will ultimately allow them to find that satisfying rest, that their restlessness has previously precluded them from experiencing.   The real knowledge that each of us needs to seek, is that knowledge, which is ours for the taking, freely available, from that which created us in the first place, and of which those of wisdom are in the process of evolving themselves back to.