The tyranny of the oligarchy / by kevin murray

The healthiest countries are always going to be those countries that have a more even distribution of opportunity, income, and wealth for their countrymen, which thereupon represents in action that each person within that country truly has a fair stake in it.  All those other countries that claim so proudly that they are free, bastions of liberty, and supporters of equality as well as being recognizers of the value of meritocracy, of which, despite having these fine sentiments, have massive disparities between those that are the few that have everything, as compared to those many that have not a thing, are hollow at their core, and therefore not to be respected, or trusted.


When all the dollars and all the power are essentially in the hands of an unelected oligarchy, and when the muscle of that country answers strictly to those few elites that have the power, money, and position; and in which the justice system is in lockstep with those that actuate it, then despite whatever written Constitution is so enumerated, or laws so legislated, all of that in whole really just represents a deceptive facade, for the real deal is in the revealing evidence that clearly is visible to the seeing and knowledgeable eye.


Again, it must be stated, that while substantial wealth for a country in aggregate is on paper, a very good thing; there is a fundamental and foundational divide though, when that wealth is skewed heavily to a very small subsection of the people, while leaving a massive amount of the other people with little or nothing to own themselves.  In fact, the impoverished in these countries, typically do not have a fair chance to make something of their lives, ever; because the wealth of the mighty and powerful, is often directly or indirectly based upon their continued exploitation, injustice, and oppression of the poor and defenseless, for the expressed benefit of those that make up the oligarchy.


No country can vibrantly survive long, when the lion's share of the wealth is concentrated in just a few hands, and of which in order to maintain their privileged status, those that are the oligarchy, have to rely more and more on discriminatory policing actions as well as an oppressive justice system to keep the people in their place.  Further, when those elites put forth policies that effectively negate the people's voice, so that a democracy is not really a democracy, and thereby all issues of import, are always decided in favor of those that control the purse, then such a country as that, has deliberately turned its back upon the balancing so needed, in order to make good and conscientious decisions, and thereby will inevitably reap what it has so improvidently sown.


The fundamental problem with any oligarchy is that it becomes so enamored with what is good for their selfish selves, that it fundamentally forgets and dismisses all those sensible and dissenting voices, and by ignoring that which is reason, to feather their own nest, again and again, there comes that time when nary a soul upon the watchtower so bothers to read the ominous signs, and by the time those privileged elites do recognized the dire seriousness of the problem, it's far too late, for the whole edifice in its entirety, is caught in a fiery conflagration of its own hubris' making.