Plenty of people get so caught up in this material world that they do not even consider, let alone recognize, that they have an eternal soul; but rather spend all of their time and energy, doing what they can do to enjoy or to get the best that they can get, from their life so lived upon this earthly dimension. Then there are those that are ostensibly Christian, that conduct their lives in such a manner that they seemingly care much more about what they have, and their needs for their body, then they do about the destiny and the development of their spiritual being.
Of course, one's physical body has demands that do progressively become more demanding, when that body is denied the very things of sustenance that are needed to sustain itself, as well as to live with some degree of comfort. That is to say, those who lack fair access to and thereby are lacking in food, in water, in shelter, and in healthcare, are going to feel incredibly vulnerable, and often aren't going to be appreciably susceptible to spiritual concerns, until they are secure with their bodily needs. That shouldn't be considered to be all that surprising, because most people self-identify with their body and because our physical body has needs, and our mind understands well those needs, many people are going to rightly stress out about all those aspects of life in which they feel that they are in danger of losing, or have lost, those things which are necessary to live a physically sustainable life.
While all of these concerns have their place, even those that have what appears to be a sustainable situation in regards to income, wealth, and position, are still prone to stressing out about the ravages of time and how their body, as good as it may currently be, will, after so many years, begin to disappoint them to the degree that they know that their physical life will meet its inevitable end. That is to say, no matter how blessed a given person has been with physical gifts, this will be subject for all people to the ravages of time, and a destiny of which was obviously known from the beginning.
So that, those that overly concern themselves about their physical presence, to the dismissal of that which is eternal, have indeed overvalued greatly that which has a limited and finite worth, for that which has an incalculable value. Of course, we should try to do our best to treat our bodies well, and to the extent that we can reasonably do so, we should provide the nourishment and comfort for such on a sustainable basis for as long as we can accomplish such. However, it must also be recognized that to devote an inordinate amount of time to all things, physical, and to concern our mind only about those things that are essentially for the benefit of our physical needs, is often to preclude from our mind, our true identity, which is not physical in nature, but spiritual. If more people, would realize that our physical body is merely the vessel for our spiritual, and thereby would properly concentrate far more on developing their spiritual side, in the wisdom that the eternal is rightly of immensely more importance than the temporal, our world would be better for it, and our soul would thereby grow its way back to that which lovingly sustains it.