A good society is only as good as the people that make up that society, as well as those that are the governing force of that society. In general, the people in a given society have a real need for a government that represents well their valid interests and desires, in which that government in its activity is competent, transparent, fair, and above board in all that it does and performs. This thus means that any government that in its substance favors the few at the expense of the many, and does so in a manner in which the many are essentially exploited or used or taken advantage of, unfairly, is a government that is functionally unstable; for essentially for the few to be privileged and continue to be privileged, against the majority of the people, clearly signifies that such a government as that will invariably be structured in a manner in which the policing and justice arm of the state, are utilized as a matter of course as a cudgel to keep the people in their place.
So too, this signifies that any national government, that makes it their principle, to conduct itself in a manner in which "law and order" is the calling card of that state, does so, not because the people as a whole are demanding it, but as a means to keep those people ever on the defense, and susceptible to state action that represents in force a clear and present danger to their freedom, free choice, and liberty. This thus means that it is forever a delicate balancing act for those governments that are functioning as police states, to not be too repressive upon their citizens, for when a significant swath of the people are oppressed, exploited, unemployed, underpaid, underfed, and without realistic hope that any of this will ever improve; this will invariably lead to the type of civil unrest that could take down or restructure a current government, and thereby endanger all those that are within that current power structure.
In any modern society, the collective failures of that society, necessitates that blame be associated with the collective governance of that society, so that those governments that are unable to keep their population satisfied with their lot in life, are the types of governments that will feel the frustration and wrath of the people, directly or indirectly, and therewith unless that government deals constructively with what ails that population, such societies are in imminent danger of collapse, from systemic civil unrest.
So then, it is fair to say, that all good governance is governance that is fair and equally applied to all of the people, of which when the people truly do believe that they all are in this together, they will do their good part to protect, to preserve, and to aid their nation, in those times of trouble and fear. On the other hand, those that practice bad governance almost always do so with the strong arm of the state, of which, fear and oppression, only work for a finite amount of time, before the natives will get restless, and those that have little to look forward to or to believe in, will make sure to create havoc, anyway and anyplace that they can.