No man is an island, but rather each of us is called to be a member in good standing in civil society, of which each one of us has the fair obligation to be of service to their fellow members. In today's modern world, of welfare and relief, we find that one of the those things that will bother or upset certain members of society, are those able body people of age, that are able to benefit from governmental largesse without putting forth any corresponding effort to be of service to their fellow members. In those cases, there may well be extenuating circumstances, that precludes such, but in a situation in which that is not the case, it is beneficial for all parties involved, that some sort of labor or effort be activated by those that are in receipt of benefits, to the degree that such is possible or reasonably achievable.
So too, lost in the noise, especially of many of those that complain that others are not pulling their weight, is the unfortunate fact that certain institutions and people, are privy to a construct that permits them to take advantage of, to exploit, or to use such things to their unfair advantage, in which they effectively take more from society at large, than they put forth into it, even though they may indeed be making some sort of worthwhile contribution. That is to say, while it is relatively easy to take shots at those that labor not, but could and should; far less time is spent taking shots at those that utilize the system in a manner in which they benefit far more than they really should because of favoritism shown their way from governmental largesse, which is often masked under euphemistic terms that effectively act the same as welfare giveaways, but are not readily noted as such.
The bottom line, is free loading, is something not done exclusively by those that have little of material assets; but rather is also done by those that are able to manipulate as well as to construct selfish benefits within the system, in a manner in which they are treated far more favorably, than the common citizen; so that the weight so carried by the bulk of the members of society, is thereupon heavier than what it should be, from not only those that do not carry their own weight, though they could, but also by those that through gaming the system, have passed some of their weight onto others, knowing that they need not do so.
In any civil society, there are going to be cheats within that society, of which, the responsibility of those members of such, is to see that justice is served for all members of that society, so that all are treated equally and fairly. In any good society, there are always going to be things that need to be done, of which, it is our responsibility to recognize that we need to do those very things; and those that are capable of doing work but skirt such, are in the very same boat, as those that work but do so in a manner in which they slough off what should be their work onto others, of which neither of these parties is doing their fair share for that society of which they are members of.