America is supposed to be a republic; in which that republic thereby utilizes democratic principles in order for the people to have proper representation in all spheres of the public domain. This means, that it is the people that are supposed to be represented in the legislative offices, the judicial branch, as well as in the executive office, for those that are empowered in America, are in theory, those that have been granted those powers, by the consent of the governed, for the express benefit of those so governed.
In point of fact, America's governance, whether local or national, is in so many ways, seemingly removed from the people having a real voice and say in the matters of most importance; so that, laws and institutions are created and enforced, far too often in a manner, that favors the few and well placed, while disadvantaging the general public as a whole. Further to the point, never have such a small concentration of behemoth multinational corporations had such enormous power as they do so, today.
This power of those corporations, allows such, in many respects, to control the pricing, the availability, and the quality of the products that are sold or utilized in which the people in whole, are placed into the position of having lost to a very large extent, their bargaining power in regards to purchases so made.
This thus means, in so many ways and facets, that the government has ceded their role as being of, by, and for the people, in order to combine in an unholy alliance with the biggest corporate entities that the world has ever known. This combination signifies that there isn't anything or anybody that is willing to stop or to meaningfully regulate or to breakup these giant corporations; so that, in the scheme of things, these mighty corporations, are operating their businesses in a manner in which labor unions are increasingly a non-factor, and tax favoritism as well as tax reduction for these corporations is a fait accompli, and therefore the unfair burden of taxation for governmental programs, as well as safety nets, falls unfairly and thereby is a heavy weight upon those that are its citizens, and to its future generations yet, unborn.
So too, when money and power are welded into one, than the voice of the people is effectively silenced, for when that government of the people, has been co-opted by corporate interests and laws circumvented, corrupted, or marginalized, than it is the people, in whole, that suffer for that. This is why, never have so few in number have now so much in real assets and power in America; and never have so many been so indebted and so emasculated in power as now then in today's America.
To the degree that this present government will not exercise its right, on behalf of the people, to effectively promote the public interest and to thereby fully be cognitive of and to consequently rise up and to deal forcefully with the real menace of concentrated and non-competitive corporate power, then the people will suffer more and more from their lack of opportunity, their lack of justice, and their lack of sovereignty, for their fate will become more and more one of servitude to those corporate interests, that are fully protected, favored, and coddled by today's current government.