There are plenty of people, that pride themselves on being colorblind and hence of being totally fair and nondiscriminatory with others, and therefore concluding that they are, in fact, good and fair-minded people. The problem with that type of thought process is never about remembering and living to Dr. Martin Luther King's belief and dream that we will have a country "…where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." But, rather the issue is that we must and need to acknowledge that not only are we individuals with different characteristics as well as different backgrounds, but our differences, and especially our relevant historical differences, are absolutely germane to the reality of this country, as it is, and therefore our eyes need to be wide open.
That is to say, being colorblind, especially when that colorblindness comes forth from the historically favored race of America, as well as all those that are privileged to the extent, that they need not concern themselves with seeing color, or creed, or much of anything, is that all of this is rather self-serving; even when such a belief is held entirely sincerely. What really matters is that all those that are truly concerned about their brother's welfare, must see color, as well as seeing all those other relevant things and attributes that are applicable about their brothers and sisters.
The color of a person's skin matters, as does their religion, as does their background, as does their neighborhood, as does so many other different things and attributes, because these things are not only relevant from a historical basis, as in, some people were enslaved because of the color of their skin, but because each of these things are still quite relevant today. This thus means that this country and its institutions have an absolute obligation to ameliorate and to correct the conditions that have left those that were formerly enslaved in this country and are still discriminated against, as well as so many others that have been unfairly oppressed, because it is the right and the correct thing to do.
Therefore, to be colorblind in a society in which those that have been historically oppressed and are today, still oppressed in so many ways, is a blatant "cop out" of what this society owes to those very people. The whole point of acts such as the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, as well as Affirmative Action laws is the recognition by this national government, that is has historically been unfair to so many of its people, and further that this national government has not lived up to its Declaration of Independence, nor to its Constitutional law, and therefore has a dedicated obligation to do so, and thereby to make a meaningful positive impact for those that have been and are now still being oppressed.
Those that do not wish to keep score of society's winners and society's losers are the very same people that most desire to be colorblind. In America, statistics upon statistics are recorded in every conceivable category of meaning, and when such a time as those statistics show clearly and unequivocally that all peoples in this great nation are being provided with fair opportunity; proven by the fact that color, creed, sex, or inborn status, no longer are the prevailing determinates of success, then it can be said that this country has succeeded to its principles. And only then it can be said, that America truly is colorblind, for now the people see clearly, for formerly having been blind.