Capital punishment and white-collar crime / by kevin murray

There are all sorts of crimes committed in the United States, each and every day, of which, only a very few, and in particular heinous crimes, typically involving either murder directly or through one's deliberate actions, thereby causing the death of others, such as in terrorist actions, that entice the prosecution to request the death penalty for those egregious crimes.   So then, it can be said, that those that are convicted of certain murders as well as special circumstances that cause the death of others, can be and have been sentenced to death.


On the other hand, there are those crimes, known as white-collar crimes, in which these crimes aren't based on the illegal use of physical force but rather are typically financial crimes of malfeasance or purposefulness that cheats or steals from another, whether that be an individual, a collection of individuals, or a company.   These white-collar crimes can be especially pernicious and destructive, in which particular individuals or companies can be harmed so greatly by that white-collar crime, that they ultimately must go bankrupt, or lose their homes, or their livelihood, and may indeed have this lead to family breakups, depression, or suicide.


At the present time, white-collar criminals are treated in a manner in which some are able to circumvent imprisonment entirely by the paying of a fine, or through a combination of a monetary fine and probation; although some do suffer the indignity of incarceration as well as revocation of licensing in their profession, as applicable.  In point of fact, white-collar criminals despite some of them causing millions upon millions of dollars of harm and destruction, do not suffer to the degree that, for instance, first-degree murderers do, for they haven't killed anyone, though it could be argued that especially pernicious financial crimes that have eviscerated individuals or corporations are arguably worse than death for those that are left with nothing.


We find that, states that, "the U.S. Office of Management and Budget puts the value of a human life in the range of $7 million to $9 million."  So that, as insurance companies are wont to do, in regards to accidents and deaths, unexpected or not, the human person is accorded to it, a general monetary value.   So then, if we were to take $10 million as being the fair worth of the life of a human being, then it could be said that those that commit financial crimes of at least $10 million dollars have in effect, committed a crime that is the equivalency of taking a person's life.  Additionally, the reality of the situation is that people need money to live, and so those innocent parties that have been dramatically harmed financially through outside criminal activities have most definitely been damaged to the degree that their life is worse off than it would have been had they not suffered that ill effect.


It therefore thus follows, that those that commit financial crimes of $10 million or more, should be subject to capital punishment, and those that have well exceeded that threshold, should as a matter of course, be executed.  Not only would this punishment more appropriately fit the crime in whole, but it would also be in accordance with establishing that white-collar criminals should be held accountable to the ultimate penalty, in order to deter them from committing such crime.