Can't make bail and in jail / by kevin murray

According to, "There were over 10.5 million arrests for all offenses in the United States in 2017."  This means that those arrested, were for all practical purposes, no longer free and therefore no longer able to self-determine what they would do on a given day; which essentially means, that the obligations that each person so arrested would have to normally attend to, such as childcare, pets, bills, work, and school, would not be able to be performed while in the state of being arrested, leading in many instances to a very rapid downward spiral in the credibility, employability, and responsibility of that individual.


One might think, because being arrested is so traumatic, not just for the pending charges so made, but also for the basic needs and responsibilities that each adult must attend to, that as a matter of principle, the justice system of the United States of America -- in which it must be stated that per American jurisprudence all those first arrested are presumed to be innocent, would therefore make it their point to process and to release as soon as possible, all those arrested for crimes that would not necessitate the undue imprisonment of those that have been convicted of nothing.   Unfortunately, the wheels of justice in America are excruciatingly slow.


All of this is especially disconcerting, in consideration that the Sixth Amendment to our Constitution, stipulates that "…the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial…" of which it must be stated that all those that are currently incarcerated but have not been convicted or even necessarily had the formal charges made against them, must wonder exactly what the word "speedy" actually means.  Additionally, America, has an inordinate amount of people that are arrested that are thereby subject to some amount of monetary bail, in which, as reported by, "99% of the total jail growth from 1999 to 2014 was in the detention of people who are legally innocent," or in other words, are non-convicted but incarcerated in jail, for being unable to meet their monetary bail amount.  This clearly means that in America, there is a fundamental difference between how justice is served to those without money or ready access to money, as opposed to all those that do have money or ready access to money; for monetary bail, by its very nature, is as simple as if you got the money for that bail, you are released, and if you do not, you are jailed, pending your "speedy" trial.


America should be greatly shamed over all those that are jailed but have not yet been convicted of a crime, and should thereby resolve to make it their principle to see that all those that are currently jailed but non-convicted are released immediately so that they can try to regain normalcy to their lives, before such is effectively ruined or destroyed by their having been arrested, but not having been even convicted.   While it is true that some of those arrested, especially those arrested for heinous and violent crimes should be subject to more strict rules in regards to their being freed, the object of the exercise should be to look at all those that are arrested, as being placed into a way station so as to process those so arrested, and then release them forthrightly pending their "speedy" trial.   After all, innocent upon proven guilty, should actually mean: freedom until conviction.