Vox Populi, Vox Dei / by kevin murray

Vox Populi, Vox Dei is Latin for "the voice of the people is the voice of God."  A motto such as this, one might think, should be the motto of the United States, or what was then known as the colonies, for within its Declaration of Independence, we are told that "...all men are created equal," in which each person is endowed with certain unalienable rights, and that to secure those rights, governments are instituted amongst mankind, deriving their just powers from the consent of those so governed.  These are the essential words of that Declaration of Independence; yet, the current government that rules this land, for all practical purposes is for a certainty not the voice of the people, and therefore is not the voice of God.


The error within the government that we currently have, reverts back to its failure to understand that first of all, we are all created equally by the hand of God; which presupposes to all those governments that existed at the time of the inception of this country and many that so exist today, that rather than the misguided belief in the divine right of Kings, the colonies believed that its power should be a dispersed power fairly and equally applied throughout its population, so that fairness, equality, and egalitarianism would reign throughout its land.  Additionally, the colonies believed it was wrong that any people should be controlled by one hand that ruled them all; all being done, without the colonies being provided with any legislative representation, or any consent by those people.


Further, the colonies believed that the power to tax was a form of control and coercion upon the population as a whole, in which, in absence of the people's influence upon the nature and extent of such taxation, that taxation was not legitimate; and therefore the most appropriate measure to oppose or to protest such taxation was to do so in a forthright way, subject even to arrest or civil warfare.  The people of the colonies, at that time, believed that their voice should be heard and further, they believed this so thoroughly, that they were willing to risk their very lives, their livelihood, and their honor to fight for the right to be a free and independent country, subject only to a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.


While the revolution of the colonies was successful in the sense that they threw off the chains of British governance and domination, through their grit and determination, in which, the colonies were able to thereby be united into one body politic, the follow-through into today's America, would seem to indicate that the governance of this country is most definitely not the voice of the people but rather is in so many ways and forms, actually the voice of the very few and the very privileged, of which those that rule the people today, behave in a manner that demonstrates that this government cares not for the voice of the people.


All this is to the shame of what America could and should actually be, for when the people's voice is silenced, and replaced instead with a bastardization of what America was founded upon, then our unalienable rights have been torn asunder from us, and so too, the true voice of God has been dismissed and replaced with tyranny, instead.