America is a very unequal society in the sense of monetary assets, education, healthcare, opportunity, justice, and just about anything that anyone can think of that is part and parcel of the American experience. Defenders of America might simply respond that this is the nature of the beast of capitalism, and that because America is first and foremost a capitalistic society, it has created untold wealth, that would not have been created at such an extent under other governmental systems. To a degree, that seems like a reasonable response, but the problem that America has is not necessarily capitalism, per se, but the fact that in practice, the capitalism in America, today, is far too often crony and special privileges capitalism, and this clearly aids and abets the inequality that we see in American society.
That said, one of the ways to reduce inequality in America in regards to the excessive net worth of some people and corporations, as well as in regards to opportunity, is for the government to specifically work on the side of those that are currently or historically have been disadvantaged so that they will actually have the means to have a seat at the table of prosperity, of which, rules and regulations, taxes, and laws are the very tools to accomplish this.
So then, when a given corporation or a given individual earns a lot of money, the government has a responsibility to tax those monies earned in a way that some of that wealth is spread amongst the people as well as amongst programs to better the people as a whole. After all, there isn't anything wrong with those working hard to earn the money, enjoying the fruits of their labors, whatsoever; as long as they fairly return the opportunity for others to do the same.
Unfortunately, in America, too often the game is if not literally fixed, heavily biased towards certain groups of people, and certain institutions. That is to say, those that go to schools of low quality, as well as living in dilapidated and crime-ridden neighborhoods, are so severely disadvantaged at birth, that their chance of real opportunity is severely limited, of which, the very point of good governance in the wealthiest nation of the world, is to ameliorate this situation, as soon as possible, for it is wholly unfair, to expect something out of people that have nothing, and have not the proper tools to become something.
So too, the American incarceration institution is fundamentally broken, of which, those that are poor and disadvantaged, with no opportunity, and no future, are far too often locked up, for basically being denizens in the wrong neighborhood and having little of real value to do. Whereas, certain corporations, that have misappropriated billions of dollars from the people, such as in the banking crisis of 2007-2008, are not only "too big to fail", but don't have to suffer the indignity of having any of their high corporate officers even being arrested, let alone, convicted of their real crimes against the people of this country.
Societies such as America, which are so unequal in virtually every category of any worth of consideration, are in practice, never going to be fair or just societies for the people, and the clear evidence of this is right in front of us. The only possible way to correct this is for this government to make it their point to level the playing field, for without the power, moral suasion, and force of government applied, it most definitely will not correct itself on its own.