There are many people that have bought into the narrative that somehow scientific research and scientists in general, are not now, and can never be, God believers. That is to say, that scientists, are discovers of facts, and do not deal with myths. Yet, science itself, comes fundamentally from the belief that the world is knowable, and that therefore the world is not random, but it is instead a world of order, of discoverable patterns, with specific laws, and because the world is order, mankind has a duty to understand it as it ultimately is.
God is not a being that is tangible to the naked eye, but then again, there are many forces that are not visible to us, such as gravity, as well as subatomic particles, as in electrons or protons. Additionally, the more in which scientists are able to learn about the world, and in particular to learn about the human species, the more that scientists are able to recognize what an incredibly marvelous, unfathomably sophisticated and a wonderful work of art that human beings are. For instance, as reported by, for the average human being there are "… almost 7*1027 atoms (that's a 7 followed by 27 zeros!)."
That is to say, the more in which scientists delve into discovering how things work and how intricate and amazing are their structure, the more that those scientists are appreciative of the complexity and brilliance of such creation. So then, it follows that when rational beings accept as their premise for the research that they conduct that they live within a construct that is measurable, ordered, and intelligible (for without these very attributes, than science and scientific thought would have no solid foundation to stand upon, so that, lacking such, there would be little of worth to discover or to build upon), signifies, that this world must be and is rational and not random and without purpose.
It stands to reason that in a rational world, which allows itself to be discovered through the viewing and contemplating upon such, can only come from a rational universe, of which, such a universe must have been created by a rational First Source, better known as God, for it cannot have simply been created out of nothing, for nothing creates nothing. This would signify that though many scientists may have little or no belief in organized religion as presented by society, because so many of those organized religions are seen as being dogmatic and narrow minded, while also lacking in rigor of thought; these scientists are, on the other hand, quite cognizant, that what they are discovering and learning about is both magnificent and marvelous, for the more that scientists learn, the more amazed that they are in their comprehension and astonishment of what they are uncovering.
There are those that believe that the only god worthy of contemplation is the god of reason, but to believe such, is actually to believe in God, for the reasoning that comes forth to the human mind, as well as the reasoning that allows mankind to understand itself and the world better, can only come about from a world in which there are immutable laws, and behind the curtain of that world of reason, is God. Today's scientist has faith that what they are revealing has merit and value, and those that have faith are in so many words, God believers.