We the people / by kevin murray

The preamble to our Constitution states, "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union…" and further we read in the 9th Amendment, the following words, "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."  These words are of immense relevancy to all of the people of these United States, for it demonstrates in form as well as in principle that the people are their own sovereign rulers.  Further to the point, it was considered at the Constitutional Convention to originally have the preamble state words to the effect, "We the people of the states of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, …",  but this was rightly replaced with just we the people, indicating that those that buy into the false belief that State rights triumph over the people, or that State rights triumph over the national state of this union of States, are false to the Constitution, false to the people, and false to those individual States, that propagate such false propaganda.


This is indeed a country created by the people, for the people, and of the people; of which, the people of the individual States united into one body politic in order to as our Constitution preamble states to "…. establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity…"  To the extent, that the people are in charge of their destiny, then the people are in harmony with that Constitution; and to the extent that the people are not in charge of their destiny, and are, for instance, subservient to the technology-military-industrial complex, then those people are not only not in charge of their destiny, but the country is in fit, form, and function operating in a non-Constitutional manner.


We now live in a construct, that although the people appear to have representative government, and are able to thereby vote in democratic elections; that the reality of the situation is that those that are in power, primarily have that power not from the people, but often are beholden instead to those that are the ones that provided the necessary monetary finances in order for those candidates to successfully run their campaigns and to win election.  In other words, the most meaningful contributions to candidates significantly often comes from corporations or wealthy elites, directly, indirectly, or through false fronts; and once elected, representatives are obligated to first take care of, not the people, but those that were essentially the means of their successful election. In addition, many representatives are often successfully persuaded by the ubiquitous lobbyists to get legislation passed or decisions reached, that favor their interests, often at the expense of the people.


In so many ways, the people have lost their sovereignty, because in general, they are typically completely out of touch with what is really going on in governmental offices of all stripes, and further are not privy to vital inside information; and in absence of a government that does not provide transparency in all that it says and does on behalf of the people, then the people, as a whole, are left with nothing much more than smoke and mirrors, and the illusion that they have a meaningful voice with their representative government.  This thus means that this government is really a government, favoring the few and the elite, which is the primary reason why all is not well, and why we the people, are not really free.