Modern-day cannibalism / by kevin murray

Obviously, in America there is no cannibalism.  In a literal sense this is true, but in a figurative sense it very well may not be.  For instance, any person, that is exploited or has their fair liberty curtailed, has in a general sense, lost their sovereignty to another, whether that be an institution, a government, or other people.  Further, once a given person is no longer the captain of their own ship, and are therefore unable to take full advantage of their unalienable liberties so written into the Declaration of Independence, as well as implied or specified as such in the Constitution, then that person, is no longer free, and those that are not free are therefore in a compromised form of servitude.  This thus means that those who are created equally, but are subservient to a construct which has effectively negated such, are in a sense servants to that class of people, or government, or institutions that are effectively their masters.  Thus, in any situation in which one class of people is in perpetual servitude to another class of people, it can fairly be stated, that their vulnerable condition places them into a position into which every chain so forged upon their body transforms what once was a full human being into something more akin to becoming in substance, less than human.


The cannibalism so practiced today in America, is part and parcel of the American psyche, which too often sees its fellow human beings, not as those that have been created equally, and therefore are entitled to their Constitutional rights as well as to fair opportunity of the wealth that America offers; but rather they are predominantly perceived as non-people and therefore looked upon as objects to be mined, exploited, used, and ultimately discarded to the degree that these perceived non-humans are able to provide value to those that extract what resources that they are able to extract from them, until ultimately their life force has been completely drained from their body, for they have been fully consumed by those that have made what use they could make of them, as product.


The cannibalism in America, is mankind's inhumanity to mankind, exacerbated by the lust and desire of so many that are in power, or have the thirst for that power, to do whatever that it takes to get what they want, in which, often the path so taken involves the deliberate taking from others, of their birthright, so as to benefit the selfish interlopers of such.  When the success of a given country, or a given individual, is built upon the unjustified taking of that which is not fairly theirs, under false pretences of any sort, then the foundation so built is built upon having fed upon the bodies of those that are treated as de facto beasts of burden.


Those that are cannibals are all those that take from others, what is not rightfully theirs to take, and having depleted such from other people; have, in effect, nourished and gnawed upon those others, in order to fill their own greedy hunger, and to weaken and to consume, unto death, those others