America's new Benedict Arnold is…. / by kevin murray

General Benedict Arnold is considered to be America's greatest traitor, for this general, who was arguably the most successful American general before his treachery, which involved a secretive deal with the British to turn over the vital fort West Point to those enemy British forces; of which, if that plot had not been serendipitously discovered, such would have been devastating, and perhaps even catastrophic to the American cause.  Not too surprisingly, Benedict Arnold is the epitome of a dastardly villain and a byword for he who is a traitor.


The American revolution was fought under the auspices of the sentiments of our Declaration of Independence, of which this seminal document, tells us that each us has unalienable rights and it is the duty of that government of the people to uphold those unalienable rights; and further that this government, and thereby those institutions permitted under that government, must conduct their business and their actions under the informed consent of the governed, and that any form of that government as well as all those institutions that are destructive of the people's unalienable rights, are inimical to that Declaration, and the people thereby have a duty to throw off such an illegitimate government and/or institutions.


In this modern era, never have specific non-governmental institutions been able to so easily aggregate and to aggrandize unto their own business enterprises, powers that previously even the most repressive governments did not have within their arsenal.  For instance, there is a specific company that claims that its mission is to make the world a more open and connected one, which in actuality, could even be seen as noble, but when such a company, claims one thing, but clearly intends the very opposite thing, then that company within its structure is fundamentally evil and quite clearly un-American in its actions.  That is to say, a company that purports to be a social media website --  but, is in actuality nothing short of being a sophisticated social surveillance site, that monetizes and insidiously tracks what should be private so as to sell such to any and all enterprises of its choosing, of which because of its lack of transparency, and the general misinformation provided to its consumers, those that utilize this site as if it is a social media website, know not that they are fundamentally being seen as, at best, a resource to be extracted and exploited, and at worse, a resource to be harmed, compromised, or controlled, is frightening.


Facebook is the epitome of a website that is thoroughly and unapologetically anti-liberty, and is instead, the most illiberal and insidiously evil website of them all -- primarily because of its great and invasive power, along with its unassailable monopoly position and ubiquity; that continually lures in the innocent and gullible, so as to take these human beings, and sell them lock, stock and barrel to commercial enterprises, and wayward government agencies, while also permitting individuals of bad intent, to track and exploit those users that are in their sight, in a manner that places those users in real, imminent danger.


Facebook is Big Brother, writ large; made worse by the fact that this Big Brother essentially answers only to their god of money, and is above any and all regulations, that would hope to rein in such.  Facebook is in every facet of its being, opposed to freedom, opposed to justice, and opposed to human rights.  They mask themselves as a traitor by taking on the cloak of being on the side of social openness and communication, but their intent is to utilize that as their Trojan Horse; and to thereby undermine the fortress of all that America represents, for Facebook is in every aspect, the most traitorous and dangerous villain ever to this American republic.