The Preamble reads as follows: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." Our Constitution is this country's highest law, and that preamble sets forth the very attributes of what that Constitution entails. That is to say, the preamble, sets the stage as to what the purpose of this government is, of which, the very first part, is that this is a government of, by, and for the people, and to the degree that laws and legislation are passed or enforced that reflect this, then such is in accordance with the Constitution; and to the degree that this is not so, than these laws are inimical in form to that Constitution. This thus means, that a government of, for, and by the people, in which that government, or portions of that government insists upon the necessity to perform all sorts of acts of significance, both domestically as well as internationally, which are opaque, non-transparent, and secretive to the general public as a whole, are operating in an area of governance that is rife for abuse and misuse of those powers, so delegated to it.
Additionally, this government has an inherent obligation to establish fair and equally applied justice for all, without favoritism to any; for justice by its very definition, cannot ever be justice, if it is arbitrarily applied, unfairly applied, or applied in a manner in which some are categorized differently than others. After all, if anyone within this nation is accorded beyond the common respect of the laws so promulgated, which do not apply to them in the same way as they should to all, than this country operates under a justice program that is discriminatory and is not just to the people as a whole.
Further, it must be stated that the best government is always going to be that government that operates in a manner in which the people live within a construct in which their environment to the extent that such is reasonably attainable -- is one of peacefulness, calmness, and tranquility, for a country that is not at peace, is obviously a country that is illiberal, unequal and unjust. So too, the government, as representatives of the people, must make its best efforts to promote the general welfare of those people, for a people that are lacking the basic necessities and accouterments of life, and further are precluded from a fair opportunity to attain or to earn such, is a government that is not promoting the general welfare, but rather is a government that is typically promoting some that are privileged and well positioned, at the expense of the people as a whole.
Lastly, even in a country in which there is a general peacefulness, a general justice, and a general prosperity, if all these attributes come forth, only from the general public having to sacrifice to a very significant extent, their liberty to voice their own opinions, or their ability to worship in a manner that is their personal choice, or are further constrained in what they are allowed to read and thereupon to think upon, or are unfairly limited to how and where they can peacefully assembly, or are not permitted to petition their government for a fair redress of their grievances; then within that construct, their blessings of liberty have been ripped asunder from their very hands, replaced instead with the machinations of a government that is not Constitutional in its fit, form, or function.