America is a capitalistic society , of which, for many of those that are on the winning side of the equation, there is a certain pride and belief, that what one has made or earned or taken, is rightfully theirs, and that they owe therefore little or nothing to anyone else for having achieved that success. This means, that the biggest economic winners in society, often look upon taxation, environmental issues, long term consequences, and their incumbent obligations to community and government, not as something that should be fairly and gladly addressed, but rather as a bill to be postponed, or to pass off onto someone else or to leave such with society at large, or something that must be fought tooth and nail against, for they having obtained that money, do not countenance any of it, being taken away.
When any society, is setup in which the biggest winners do not feel any or little obligation to help the common people of that society, at large; and further, make it their point that despite progressive laws to the effect that take some of the wealth of the rich, which needs to be redistributed to the poor through grants, monies, benefits, or opportunities, in which they resolutely resist doing such, by availing themselves upon their considerable power to circumvent this, than that society is not functioning in a healthy and sustainable way.
If, within American society, the belief is that those that earn the money, no matter how that money is "earned", are fairly entitled to all of it, of which, every attempt by governmental agencies to obtain a portion of that money in the form of taxation or other means, is seen as something for those rich entities to thereupon use their power and money so as to buy influence, or lawyers, or legislature acts, so as to delay through strategies that put off what is due, to a tomorrow, which never comes due, than society, as a whole, suffers for it.
Further, when those that earn that money, do so in a manner in which the long-term consequences of what has occurred to earn such, does not take into fair account, environmental damages, collusion, unfair competition, favorable taxation, favorable treatment of governmental lands or natural resources, exploitation of fellow citizens, and the perversion of laws to favor certain individuals and companies at the expense of the people, then that society suffers for it.
If, at the end of the day, winners and losers, are solely decided upon the amount of monies that are held in their respective bank accounts, without taking into account, the ethics, the morality, the fairness, and their inherent obligations to do right by that society, by being of benefit to that society, than society suffers for it.
While there is a lot to be said for any person or organization, that makes society better by creating and building things of value; it must also be said that when the beneficiaries of that creation, have done so in a manner of which, if all the actions so taken by them were completely transparent, one would thereby discover a copious amount of corruption, unfairness, and dishonesty of all types, then such a person or organization as that, should be seen for what they really are, a menace to society, as well as an anathema to society, and everything that is wrong when people and organizations put their lust for money, above integrity and their duty to do right by the people, that are their fellow members in that very same society.