It is important for people to know the fundamental different between natural rights, which by definition, are unalienable; that is to say, that each one of us is created with these specific attributes of natural rights, that cannot legitimately be taken away; as opposed to privileges which are alienable, and can both be given as well as taken away. So then, as per our Declaration of Independence, our Creator has granted to us the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, amongst additional other natural rights, though these other rights are not specifically enumerated within that Declaration.
This thus means that the highest form of any legitimate government, without exception, is to form a body politic, in order to protect, defend, and to augment the unalienable rights of the people, so formed. Further, this so indicates that all other laws, rules, regulations, and so on and so forth, are legitimately structured only in a manner in which first and foremost, those unalienable rights of the people remain inviolable, and that all other subsequent laws, rules, and regulations are created only as a benefit for the people as a whole, as well as to judge correctly when our rights have been misapplied or misused, typically in a manner in which another person's rights has been violated.
The trouble that most governments get into is their assertion that they have the right to take away the unalienable rights of the people, without appropriate and fair application of due process of the law, properly applied, and to the extent, that this is done, the people do suffer. In point of fact, legitimate governments are created by, for, and of the people, for the express benefit of the people and to protect the unalienable rights of those people. Further, it must be stated, that governments are instituted amongst mankind, in order to effect the safety and the happiness of the people, of which, those people that misuse their unalienable rights in a manner which such is detrimental to their fellow mankind and their unalienable rights, are thereby subject to governmental laws that will fairly decide such matters by the application of the law, equally and properly applied, for the greater good of the people.
So too, it is important that the structure of any body politic, takes into account that all governmental agencies as well as artificial creations, such as corporations, are servants to the people as a whole, and are granted their powers, only as privileges, but never as rights, by the people. That is to say, only human beings created by God have unalienable rights, and that all entities subsequently created by those human beings, including all governments, are not only servants to those people, but act only at the legitimate behest of the people.
So then, the highest good of any government, or any other institution, are those governments and institutions that specifically aid, defend, and augment the people and their unalienable rights in a manner that is consistent, fair, and equally applied to all peoples within their domain. This thus means that the best government is ever the government that is the friend of the people, by virtue of its defense of the people's unalienable rights.