The just powers of any government, be it local or national, comes forth only from the informed consent of those so governed, of which that government is one of both enumerated and limited authority, with obligations by that government, both expressed and implied to those that are part and parcel of that society. That is to say, the primary reason why any legitimate government is instituted is for the benefit of the people that are contained within the aegis of that government, so as for that government to be of material aid to the people; for a people and society united, is of far more strength and wisdom, than of a people, that is both separated and at odds or competition one with another.
This signifies, that the closer that the government is to the people that it represents, such as in local civic councils, the better enactment the people will have that their desires and viewpoints are not only being heard and considered by those governmental representatives, but that they are also, more often than not, having those desires and viewpoints, implemented, for the greater good of that society. On the other hand, when it comes to national governments, it is of vital importance, that the national government does not ever come to the point in which it is so intrusive, powerful, overbearing, and beyond the people's voice, that the people are merely treated as a sideshow, while that national government does what the desires are of the privileged and connected elite as well as those well-placed institutions that utilize such for their benefit, and thereby at the expense of the people, as a whole.
Again, the only legitimate governments, no matter the size, are governments that have the informed consent of those so governed, because authorized governments are created by the people for the specific purpose to be of benefit to the people, and not for the purpose to benefit elitist elements of government, or in particular, entitled people, or favored institutions. This is of vital importance, for each person is endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights, and that when those rights are subsumed by governmental officials, the only legitimate reason why this would ever be so, would be because of the most extreme exigent circumstances, such as war, that necessitates the sacrifice of the people at that time, to thereby protect and to defend their nation, for the express purpose to maintain ultimately their unalienable rights, of freedom, liberty, life, and their pursuit of happiness.
When any government, have taken from the people any or all of their unalienable rights, under circumstances that are not exigent and are not transient, and especially when they are done so that the government can control and exploit the people for the benefit of that government or those that are the hidden powers of that government, than such a government as that is not legitimate, and it is thereby the right of the people to see that it be dissolved; for the only legitimate government is a government that is of, for, and by the people, and that the people have given their informed consent to.