America is the richest nation in the world, yet, even the most cursory of looks, indicates that the wealth so held, shows a quite dramatic difference in the huge amounts of disparity achieved, between the haves and have-nots. It perhaps would be one thing if the superrich achieved what they have, through the fairest of means, but the reality is that, this often isn't so, for the superrich are gifted at tilting contracts, laws, rules and regulations to its favor. Nevertheless, there are means to rectify such, by, for instance, taxing the superrich at a much higher progressive tax rate; and yet another way is to put a cap on what the superrich are able to possess and grow, by the implementation of laws that even out the playing field in a manner in which those that have garnered huge advantages, whether fair or foul, or precluded from adding even more to it, so that through divestment, or the breaking up of consortiums or entities those that have become too powerful and too dominant are sedated.
Still, it might be asked, how is that the superrich, a distinct minority, are able to become superrich in the first place? The most straightforward answer to this question is the understanding that those that are privy to inside and specific actionable information about others; whether these others are individuals, companies, government entities, or organizations, are often able to harvest that information to their benefit. Further to the point, for individuals, for instance, most everyone has some sort of value in the sense that they have worked and earned money and therefore has assets, or alternatively there are those others that are the beneficiaries of some sort of government benefits of which how and where those benefits in aggregate are thereby utilized have definite value. Additionally, there are those, specifically the youth that though they have little material worth as of the present, are susceptible to being molded in a manner that their future value can be successfully manipulated and exploited.
So that, the superrich sees the third most populous nation in the world, as well as a nation with a reach that is truly global, as a real opportunity to make money; especially when such a country implicitly encourages and allows personal information of great detail and accuracy such as school records, personal income and assets, family background, detailed demographics, and social media of all types to be available, in one form or another, for well placed organizations and people. This so indicates that all those that possess actionable and accurate information of the many, are in the catbird seat of being able to monetize that knowledge and information in a manner in which those organizations and certain privy people are going to make a lot of money, especially when there are very few that possess and have thoroughly analyzed and cogitated such information.
It is really as simple as this, when some specific entity, knows everything about a given individual, of what activates and interests that individual, and this is multiplied by those millions of individuals, then these given entities do indeed have the treasure map that will lead them to that endless pot of gold, and by virtue of having that wealth of found money, they will be able to utilize such to protect as well as to augment their interests, at the expense of the people as a whole, who essentially have had their most precious resources extracted from them.